Food & Drink

What Will Be Trending in the World of Food and Drink in 2022?

Thanks to apps like TikTok, this past year we have seen so many foods trending online. Many of which have made their way into peopleÔÇÖs go-to recipes…baked oats and feta pasta anyone? But the vast majority are short-lived fad foods. I mean, who really wants to chew down on frozen honey or tuck into a bowl of ÔÇÿnatureÔÇÖs cerealÔÇÖ? Spoiler alert, itÔÇÖs essentially just fruit salad. 

It can be hard to predict the specific recipes that will emerge throughout the year ahead, but I like to think there are certain ingredients or food practices if you will, that are set to become very popular. Based on what we have seen so far this year, and throughout 2021, here are some food predictions for 2022.  

Plant-based > Vegan 

Whilst vegan and vegetarian diets are on the rise, a movement towards more flexitarian, plant-based diets are becoming more popular. This is where the majority of your diet is plant-based, but you still consume meat and dairy every now and then. This appeals to people who have tried to go vegan and failed or are more interested in veganism due to the environmental benefits. As it was recently found that just by everyone going vegan for 1 day a week could reduce greenhouse gases by 8.4% a year.  

Also, with the rise in plant-based milks and meat alternatives available ÔÇô it has never been easier. So, want to go vegan but canÔÇÖt give up cheese? If you eat a plant-based diet but still have cheese sometimes it still makes a substantial difference! 

Garlic Girls Rise Up 

Has garlic ever not been popular? Although it is something most people use in cooking pretty much every day, I think the way we use garlic and the quantities we use it in, is set to change. Piggy-backing off TikTok here, who else sees one garlic clove on the ingredient list so adds six? We should treat garlic as a star, not just use it as a second-nature add in to every meal for a slight flavour boost.  

You can roast a whole garlic bulb in oil and keep it as a paste to add to meals, spread it on toast or make dips and sauces. We should see how different cuisines use garlic, pickle it, roast it, fry it – instead of shoving some up a roast chicken and calling it a day.  

Levantine Cuisine 

Longa Cafe Menemen

2021 was the year that Korean and Japanese flavours took over food trends. All year my ÔÇÿFor you pageÔÇÖ consisted of┬áEmily MarikoÔÇÖs salmon rice, Korean corndogs,┬ácucumber salad and endless all-you-can-eat sushi videos. Whilst IÔÇÖm sure itÔÇÖs popularity will continue, itÔÇÖs time for a new cuisine to shine.┬á

Levantine food is definitely underrated and not very popularised in the UK. It comes from numerous cultures in the Levant region such as, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Cyprus and Iraq. These places are home to some healthy, delicious and underappreciated foods that people deserve to know about! Houmous has had its time, if you like that, there is so much more out there! 

Definitely check out Longa Caf├® on Whitchurch Road for some incredible Turkish dishes ÔÇô the Menemen is my favourite. ┬á

Time for Tea 

We have all tried Dalgona coffee and witnessed hundreds of cups of latte art being poured ÔÇô but coffee lacks a certain simplicity that you get from tea. Even when experimenting with different flavours, it is still; boil the kettle, brew, drink. I appreciate the art and technique that goes into coffee, but I can never replicate it at home, while good tea is easy to get hold of.  

Inspiration for this prediction comes from @mintybongwater on TikTok, whose account mesmerizes me. There are so many different combinations of flavours out there that match your mood and favourite scents and tastes. Whilst being a simple process, you can always go the extra mile with a pestle and mortar to add some sugar for sweetness, or fresh fruits for added flavour and colour.  

Featured Image: Joe Green Via Unsplash