interview Music

An interview with Miles Kane

Words By Billy Edwards

A great album cover tells a great deal about its artist. Miles KaneÔÇÖs latest is no exception ÔÇô one of a classic, direct and cool personality. Previously a member of the groups The Rascals and The Last Shadow Puppets, he took lockdown as an opportunity to dig deep into his musical psyche; the result was Change The Show. Released earlier this year in January, itÔÇÖs an excellent record, balancing rock, mod, soul, glam and a whole lot more and glittering with style and enthusiasm, a closer look into the world of Miles Kane than ever before. Quench, then, were delighted to have the chance to talk with the indie supremo halfway between the release of the record and his tour ahead across Europe ÔÇô including a stop at Cardiff. Brimming with answers to our probing questions, Miles tells us of how the record was conceived, his varied toybox of influences, and his irrepressible excitement to be back performing on stage. 

Hi Miles, howÔÇÖre you doing?

IÔÇÖm all good man, yÔÇÖknow, yeah, all good. 

How do you feel about the record since its release in January?

I love this album so much, but since itÔÇÖs been released, itÔÇÖs kindaÔǪ I havenÔÇÖt even started my tour yet! We go to Europe in a week, next Tuesday we go, yÔÇÖknowÔǪ IÔÇÖm just buzzing for it, IÔÇÖm itching ÔÇô yÔÇÖknow, you release an album, you have a big high, thereÔÇÖs a bit of a lull after, and now itÔÇÖs kinda, like, ÔÇÿgearing upÔÇÖ to go out and smash it. 

So thereÔÇÖs a real eagerness now to play it live? 

Yeah, just to be playing gigsÔǪ I havenÔÇÖt done anything in years, so IÔÇÖm kinda hoping to play loud and strut about the stage and play these great tunes that are as exciting to play live ÔÇô there are so many upbeat songs on this album, and then mixed with the old ones ÔÇô itÔÇÖs gonna be the perfect setlist. 

The title track of the album seemed to relate to the current affairs of the past couple of years, is that right?

The song was kinda written out of the frustration of something was one more when I was watching the news ÔÇô yÔÇÖknow, the song ÔÇÿChange The ShowÔÇÖ, the last song written for it ÔÇô that was written in about five minutes after literally turning off the news ÔÇô yÔÇÖknow what I mean, to ÔÇÿchange the showÔÇÖ! YÔÇÖknow, I guess thatÔÇÖs the one which can relate to so many things, but it stems to that feeling of frustration.

And both ÔÇÿNever Get Tired of DancingÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿTell Me What YouÔÇÖre FeelingÔÇÖ I really liked. The impression I got of you was of a soul music fan ÔÇô is that fair to say?

Yeah, I love Northern Soul, Motown, that sort of stuff. Thats what with my Mum and my Nans, growing up thats been my diet, to be honest. Thats embedded in me  thats my go-to. Whenever I listen to music, when Im going out  I wanna hear that, yknow? Thats just what Im into, man.

A real stand-out moment is the duet with Corrine Bailey-Rae on ÔÇÿNothingÔÇÖs Ever Gonna Be Good EnoughÔÇÖ ÔÇô how did that come about?

WeÔÇÖre old friends man, yÔÇÖknow, she did some singing on my first album, Colour of The Trap, and weÔÇÖve known each other a long time. ThereÔÇÖs a rapport and a connection there, do yÔÇÖknow what I mean? We talked about it for a long time, we finally put it into fruition ÔÇô it works really well ÔÇô itÔÇÖs kinda one of those things, I think it took people by surprise, but when you hear it ÔÇô the connection between us makes it cooler. It was a great shout.

I enjoyed the final track, ÔÇÿAdios Ta-Ra Ta-RaÔÇÖ; it was unusual for a closer. 

Us scousers, we say ta-ra, to say goodbye, we say it loads, so it was very funny in that way! 

Was there an intentional element of humour within the album, then?

Yeah, in points Its kind of, lyrically, you go deep, you write these things about your feelings, your worries, what youve done in the past, or what you wanna do in the future, so its kinda like, to lighten the mood a bit, or like my personality in general, you gotta humour, a good sense of humour, so I think, to get a little bit of that in there, wont do anyone any harm either, dyou know what I mean?

I thought the album was immensely catchy ÔÇô ÔÇÿSee Ya When I See YaÔÇÖ, for example, was stuck in my head for a while. IÔÇÖm keen to know more about your songwriting process ÔÇô did it all come naturally or did you have to mine away at songs for a while?

It’s such a f***ing rollercoaster, to be honest, yÔÇÖknow but certain tunes, like ÔÇÿSee Ya When I See YaÔÇÖ, and ÔÇÿChange The ShowÔÇÖ and that, those both were songs that just flew out of me. And yÔÇÖknow, thereÔÇÖs certain songs that take a bit more time, all lyrically and that, but, touch wood, it wasnÔÇÖt too painful! The process of the writing can sometimes go really well, or you can question yourself too much – when that ball starts rolling, itÔÇÖs a vicious cycle, yÔÇÖknow what I mean, and two years can go by and youÔÇÖre still not further on, but this, this felt like going with that gut feeling as much as possible really. Whether itÔÇÖs right or wrong, and letting that lead the wayÔǪ That gives you sort of the freedom of being creative then, just write a load of lyrics and then just donÔÇÖt be afraid to change it, and thatÔÇÖs what I sort of did. ThereÔÇÖs definitely, I felt like, a freedom on writing these, doing these tunes, yeah. 

YouÔÇÖve spoken about how your age became more of a factor in your work than before. 

Yeah, I think its just anyone, Im thirty-six now, yknow, its kinda like when youre thirty, you do grow, dont ya? You learn so much  Im open to more things now, and you give less of a f***, as well! But youve grown as a man, and as you are as a person, and Ive tried to put all that Ive learnt and what Im learning into my tunes  thats all I can do, yknow?

I read you celebrated the albumÔÇÖs release with a pop-up event in a chicken shop in Hackney ÔÇô how did that go?

Well, IÔÇÖm pretty a simple guy, just to be honest man: I love music, I love boxing, I love wrestling, I love food! ItÔÇÖs kinda like; any opportunity I can to incorporate all of that in one space I will, do yÔÇÖknow what I mean – clothes, that in as well! I just love fried chicken and wings and sh**, and there was this idea of doing for the launch day – this little thing – I was like ÔÇÿyeahÔÇÖ, weÔÇÖll make wings and do this acoustic thingÔÇÖÔǪ It was almost like a drunk idea youÔÇÖd say but in reality, it worked really well, and everyone had a good time. IÔÇÖve been asked about it a lot, so IÔÇÖd say it was a success. 

I saw Change The Show is available as a special red-colour vinyl record ÔÇô are you a fan of the format?

I mean, yeah, thatÔÇÖs kind of, my fansÔÇÖ vinyl-buying, yÔÇÖknow what I mean? I always, or – touch wood, for as long as I can – make physicals sure, it makes sense for me. 

Miles Kane – Ian Cheek Press

I found the album cover interesting for its sparseness, containing only yourself looking directly at the viewer in a nice suit Did you have any input?

Yeah, the whole thing ÔÇô and thatÔÇÖs exactly what I wanted, I wanted It to be so simple, direct and, yÔÇÖknow, stylised, with a super-classic haircut. Even on the cover itself, thereÔÇÖs no writing or no fonts, thereÔÇÖs no name or title. My mate Aiden, whoÔÇÖs an amazing artist, drew it. I was fully immersed in everything in this album ÔÇô the videos, the artworkÔǪ the f***ing font! (laughs) Yeah, yeah, the whole f***ing thing, man. 

So, the tour is the next big thing for you?

Yeah, we go next week, and start rehearsals in a couple of days, I canÔÇÖt wait. IÔÇÖve had so much time to dwell on things, think thingsÔǪ I just canÔÇÖt wait now to get on stage. 

I imagine itÔÇÖs a very curated setlist? 

Yeah, well, I picked twenty that I told everyone to learn, and weÔÇÖre gonna rehearse them for three days starting this weekend, but the setlist is kind of, when youÔÇÖre writing it out and telling the lads what songs to learn, itÔÇÖs kinda likeÔǪ on paper, it looked f***ing mind-blowing! So I hope itÔÇÖs like that in real life, mind! 

The album should be well-recreated onstage?

Yeah, thereÔÇÖs no sort of weird lull in it, it doesnÔÇÖt look like, so IÔÇÖm super excited for it. ÔÇÿTell Me What YouÔÇÖre FeelingÔÇÖ, ÔÇÿCarolineÔÇÖ, ÔÇÿChange The ShowÔÇÖ, ÔÇÿNothingÔÇÖs Ever Gonna Be Good EnoughÔÇÖÔǪ those pumpinÔÇÖ tunes are gonna be absolutely mega, I think, right! I feel pretty – touch-wood ÔÇô confident about that. When theyÔÇÖve played them round in the rehearsal room, itÔÇÖs big, yÔÇÖknow what I mean, itÔÇÖs pounding, you can let rip to them! 

Is there anything else we should be looking out for from you in the future?

Not really, man, IÔÇÖm just trying to write some new tunes and crack on, to be honest mate. But no goss to give out! 

Thank you very much for the interview ÔÇô really enjoyed talking to you about the new record! Take care. 

Thank you brother, alright mate ÔÇô take care man, ta-ra ta-ra! 

Miles KaneÔÇÖs latest album, Change The Show, is out now. He comes to Cardiff on the 23rd of May, playing the Tramshed. Tickets are available here.