
Dealing with end of term ‘Burnout’

Brain fog, a newfound caffeine addiction and late-night library sessions, exam season has well and truly commenced. This final sprint to achieve the academic validation we all crave often comes with a seemingly unavoidable consequence, burnout. It happens to the best of us and seems like an inescapable part of education. This intangible lethargy often exacerbates feelings of energy depletion, exhaustion, and cynicism around assignments. Hot girl summer is in touching distance, so we need to keep this negativity at bay, hereÔÇÖs a few some tricks I have learnt to stop burnout in its tracks:

  1. Healthy choices: In times of stress, looking after yourself mentally and physically is often falls to the bottom of the priority list, but healthier choices can significantly enhance productivity. Getting those 8 hours of sleep, eating 3 meals a day, and finding time for little moments of self-care will keep your body fueled and equipped to nail your next assignment.
  2. Preparation: The night before prep is a savior in exam season, whether itÔÇÖs putting your clothes out, making sure your laptop is fully charged or bulk cooking meals, these little habits will save you the time and energy that can be utilised in the library.┬á
  3. Find a study buddy: Force your housemate to the ASSL to keep you motivated in the moments of pressure and despair. Help proofread each otherÔÇÖs essays to insert a fresh perspective into your work and time bloc lunch meetings to break up your seemingly impossible tower of work.

Words by Camilla Foster

Exam season is here (hooray), and it can be such a stressful time. So, from one student to another, here are my top tips for coping throughout the exam period:

  1. Take care of yourself

Your number one priority should always be yourself. Making sure that youÔÇÖre fuelling your body with good food, sleep and plenty of fluids is so important for both your physical and mental wellbeing. Staying in good health will make it easier for you to produce your best work. If you feel like you are struggling, donÔÇÖt keep it all bottled up inside. Instead, talk to your friends, family, or personal tutor and donÔÇÖt be afraid to seek professional support if needed.

  • Have the occasional break

Taking breaks is so important for preventing burnout. I personally love going out on walks with friends, having a nap or going on a night out. ItÔÇÖs healthy to strike up a balance between your work and social life otherwise I find the thought of working can become daunting. I find it much easier to spot mistakes after taking a break from my work and returning to it – and it helps me so much with writerÔÇÖs block!

  • Believe in yourself

Your mindset is so important! ItÔÇÖs easy to forget how much we have already achieved and can achieve. Having a positive can-do attitude and some self-belief really will go a long way. Taking a moment to reflect on how far you have come can give you motivation to continue.

Words by Kate Nichols