Food & Drink

Cardiff’s Cocktail and Breakfast Tour

We’ve all got a lot of celebrating to do as the academic year draws to a close and there’s surely no better way to celebrate than over a cocktail. So, we asked our contributors for their Cardiff cocktail recommendations. Plus we like to cover all bases here at Quench, so we’ve got your hangover breakfast covered too.

words by Floss Harrison

Who says that Cardiff city centre is the only place for a mouth-watering cocktail? Located on Richmond Road is Sticky Fingers, an eccentric, lively bar that serves street food, a vast array of beers and spirits, and a delicious selection of cocktails. Aside from the cult classics, like mojitos and martinis, Sticky Fingers also offers an innovative and unique cocktail tasting menu, with cocktails such as ÔÇÿmelon dropÔÇÖ, a drink consisting of ingredients such as Midori, a melon tasting liquor, rum and pineapple juice. Another stand out cocktail is ÔÇÿhoneybee collinsÔÇÖ, which includes tequila, an elderflower liquor, honey and lime. This drink is utterly unique, with the sweet tasting honey and sharpness of the lime and tequila offering a perfect explosion of flavours. For affordable prices, a lively atmosphere and delicious cocktails, Sticky Fingers is definitely worth a visit.┬á

words by Genevieve Gunn

When it comes to cocktails IÔÇÖd say I have a very basic taste – so long as a bar has something fruity or tropical then IÔÇÖm pretty satisfied. And, letÔÇÖs be honest, I donÔÇÖt think thereÔÇÖs a bar on this planet that doesnÔÇÖt sell this kind of drink. ThatÔÇÖs why I love The Dead Canary so much. 

ItÔÇÖs easily my favourite bar in Cardiff, from the fact that itÔÇÖs a speak-easy, to the glasses (theyÔÇÖre gorgeous, imagine drinking straight out of a cauldron), to the level of care received from their staff. But I think the best thing about this place has to be their menu. They change it every so often and have a different theme every time. Their current one? Folklore and superstitions, with a special focus on Welsh mythology – which is amazing. Have a scroll through if you have the time.

If you ever have the chance, make sure to go, itÔÇÖs truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

(P.S. they take walk-ins).

(P.P.S. try the DevilÔÇÖs Bridge if you like rum, itÔÇÖs delicious)

words by Olivia Nilsen

I am very picky about what cocktails I like as I am not a fan of sweet drinks and often find them sickly at times. One of my favourite cocktails has been from Juno Lounge on Wellfield Road. The environment has a warm homey feel and the staff are just lovely. Their espresso martini has become by far one of my favorites in Cardiff. It is velvety, light, and delicious. It tastes like a creamy iced coffee and has just a hint of vanilla flavour that resonates in the mouth.

words by Hannah Wild

The morning after all the cocktails? We’ve got you covered. WeÔÇÖve all been there, the dreaded hangover which takes over your entire body the night after thinking youÔÇÖre invincible when it comes to drinking alcohol (as it turns out, youÔÇÖre not). But whatÔÇÖs one of the best cures for that unsettling feeling in your stomach? A hearty, substantial cooked breakfast ÔÇô something which Cosy Club does incredibly well.

The breakfast menu at Cosy Club is extensive, ranging from smashed avocado on toast to the ÔÇÿButchers BrunchÔÇÖ, complete with sausages, bacon, black pudding, beans, rostis, eggs, tomatoes, and sourdough. The level of variety makes it the ideal place for hungover mornings, offering both light or more substantial meals to suit your level of hunger.

Although you canÔÇÖt go wrong with the classic breakfast, I would highly recommend the ÔÇÿShakshukaÔÇÖ if youÔÇÖre up for trying something slightly different. A dish complete with baked eggs, tomato sauce, Greek yogurt, chickpeas, and sourdough, this offers a refreshing alternative to cure the lingering hangover. WhatÔÇÖs more, the restaurant has both gluten-free and vegan breakfast menus which cater for the majority of items listed on the standard menu, making it an inclusive experience for all.┬á