
Are Student Union Nights the Heart of Cardiff StudentsÔÇÖ Dating Scene?

Cardiff UniversityÔÇÖs student union club nights can be deemed an incredibly favoured aspect of Cardiff University culture. Simply walk along Park Place or Senghennydd Road between approximately 8-11pm on a Wednesday, or Saturday night and youÔÇÖll get a feel for the sheer popularity of these events. Aided by an endless flow of VKs, students enjoy mingling with other likeminded people, but how successful are these club nights at sparking potential romances? 

The chance to meet and interact with new people that you may have not encountered before is one of the reasons why I enjoy attending the student union nights so much. The assemblage of thousands of people from different courses, societies and sports teams creates an incredibly exciting and thrilling atmosphere at the prospect of mingling with new people who you may just find you have a connection with. Further, the variety of social themes and costumes worn offer a great topic of conversation to get the ball rolling when initiating a chat with someone, and could be considered an integral aspect of why student union nights are central to Cardiff studentÔÇÖs dating scene. Personally, I believe the student union nights to be the perfect place to meet like-minded people, being events where the majority of people from Cardiff University come together in a social setting to mingle, and connect over their love of the silent disco.  

Inevitably, the student buzz at YOLO and JUICE paired with cheap drinks and good music creates an ideal environment for the hook-up culture which is so prevalent at universities. These events give students access to thousands of likeminded individuals who attend the same university, all under one roof; giving everyone at least one thing it common which could lead to romance. Further, Cardiff University is incredibly well-connected in that it seems that everyone knows everyone, which can prove to be helpful when it turns out that your friend already knows the person youÔÇÖve been chatting to all night. However, although hook-up culture is incredibly prevalent within both YOLO and JUICE events, you may frequently discover that interactions can turn into something meaningful, and longer lasting than just one night. 

Words by Hannah Wild

Cardiff Students Union is the host to a whole variety of events from club nights, to society events, and charity fundraisers. However, is it actually a good place to meet new people in the hopes of finding romance? YOLO and JUICE are the SUÔÇÖs two club nights with YOLO being a more sports social catered event and JUICE catering to all students. Student Union nights out are certainly a good way to meet people, especially if you are looking for something more casual like a one-night stand. However, in terms of long-term relationships, I personally would not recommend meeting someone at YOLO or JUICE. That being said, the SU is a good place to meet someone you are speaking to on dating apps, especially if youÔÇÖre a bit nervous or just do not want to meet them under the pressure of a date.

In my friendship group and also within the socials IÔÇÖm part of, most of the girls use the SU exactly as I previously stated; to meet boys theyÔÇÖve been speaking to either on social media or Tinder without making a big deal out of meeting them. Meeting people you are or plan to date in the SU on club nights is something IÔÇÖd highly recommend. In my experience, it is a safe way to meet them as you have your friends to go back to if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe and there is also a lot of bouncers around if something does go wrong.

For me meeting people at JUICE or YOLO has gone well 80% of the time. The boys I have met there have helped me when IÔÇÖve lost my phone, fallen down the stairs and even when my card has been stolen. There is certainly an expectation to go home with the people you meet after you share a little kiss in the silent disco or they buy you a VK and whilst this may be intimidating, most boys I have met have been respectful when IÔÇÖve said ÔÇ£noÔÇØ and I am certain it will be the same for you too.

Words by Katie Brosnan