Author - Contributing Writer


Celebrating Diwali

Words by Hansa Tote Diwali is known as the ÔÇÿfestival of lightsÔÇÖ (coming from the Sanskrit word ÔÇÿdipavaliÔÇÖ┬ámeaning row of lights) and is celebrated by...


Setlo mewn I’r Brifsygol

Words by Catrin Edith Mae cychwyn yn y Brifysgol yn gallu bod yn brofiad dychrynllyd iawn, ac yn codi pob mathau o deimladau. Erbyn hyn rydym hanner ffordd...


Mis hanes pobl dduon yng Nghymru

Words by Millie Stacey Mae mis Hydref yn fis pwysig yn y calendr gan ei fod yn cynrychioli mis hanes pobl dduon. Felly, beth yw ei bwrpas? Mae Mis Hanes Pobl...

Creative Writing

What Was Left Behind

By Tash Sood And when she left,She left you the sky,The shadows under leaves,The pins holding down the world,And the secret to pulling them outto set it all...

Food & Drink

Bakes for Autumn

Plum Crumble Cake This has to be one of my all time favourite cakes to make, you can do it so easily,no icing required, only one mixing bowl needed. You can...

Live Reviews Music

Fall Out Boy @ Utilita Arena

On both occasions where I have been lucky enough to attend their shows, I have left in complete and utter awe of the raw, unrefined talent displayed by Fall...