The Islamic Society is proud to present this years ‘Discover Islam Week.ÔÇÖ Formerly known as ‘Islam Awareness Week’, the event was started to dismantle those well-known stereotypes of the modern Muslim, and to welcome all students to participate in the various activities and events held throughout the University during the week.
From Monday 24th February to Saturday 1st March they will be hosting a plethora of events, from lectures by fantastic speakers from around the globe including Majed Mahmoud to a ‘Cross Cardiff Challenge’ (Wednesday afternoon) where participants will compete in teams against each other.
They welcome all to their brilliant events every evening, including a ‘Question and Answer’ dinner, with a free meal on Friday 28th, and an event called ‘ ‘The word of God, and quiz’ ‘, by Cardiff University’s own Dr Mansur Ali (Thursday 27th).
A most exciting event, open to all Cardiff students, is the ‘Dar-ul-Isra Mosque open day’. The local mosque has several thousand members in its community and hosts a range of activities each evening. The open day is a wonderful opportunity for students to see where the local Muslim community, including many of their friends and fellow students, gather.
All around the country Islamic societies will be holding such a week, allowing students to come together and take part in something of common interest. The week is a chance for students to get to know more about Islam, and to become familiar with one of the most successful societies in Cardiff University and to learn what they really represent.
Jenan Ashi
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