
Don’t Talk to Me I’m Toddler Tired

Twas the week before the end of term, and everyone was bloody exhausted. The students huddled underneath their duvets in the cold and dark, their bank accounts empty and their lectures unattended. 

Well, thats what our house is looking like at least. Without trying to upset my housemates too much, Its fairly apparent that weÔÇÖre all in pretty urgent need of some time apart. In my experience, everyone gets snappier during this final stretch before the end of the semester, and an epidemic that I’m coining as ÔÇÿtoddler tiredÔÇÖ begins to set in.┬á

When suffering from toddler tiredness, you might want to shout at people and slam doors in faces. Suddenly everyone becomes unbearably annoying, and instead of calming ourselves down or looking at the bigger picture, we want our justice right then and there just like a toddler would. How dare there be people talking outside my door at half ten in the morning? This is ludicrous! How dare someone else use the shower when I planned to use it an hour ago? People are so selfish these days! 

You get the point, our inner toddler starts to scream and cry and we all get short with each other because deep down weÔÇÖre cold and exhausted and the academic diary is in desperate need of being swapped out with the big Christmas edition of the Radio Times.┬á

In the spirit of my inner toddler, IÔÇÖm going to finish this column here because IÔÇÖm a bit bored and fancy a packet of crisps and a nap. 

Charlotte Harris