Cardiff University has joined several other UK universities to ban the controversial Muslim cleric Mufti Ismail Menk from speaking on campus after his recent comments made against homosexuality. His speech was due to take place in the Large Shandon lecture theatre in the main building on Wednesday 13th November.
Menk made headlines nationwide last week following a number of homophobic remarks, fuelling debate as to whether or not he should be allowed to discuss his views in a public forum. Mr Menkís entire speaking tour ñ which was due to visit Oxford, Liverpool, Leicester, Cardiff, Leeds and Glasgow ñ has been cancelled following concerns over his perceived homophobia.
Speaking in South Africa, Mr Menk described those who practice homosexual sex as ëworse than animalsí and ëblindí, and calling it an act of ìimmoralityî. At the heart of his argument is that homosexuality is impermissible by the laws of the Quran.
Cardiff Universityís Islamic Society expressed concern over the reasons for the cancellation, citing that the cleric was not preaching violence or extremism but was merely expressing and interpreting the laws laid out in the Quran. They went on to say that that the principles of free speech and freedom of religious practice should under no circumstances be flouted due to individual concerns.
The decision to ban the speech has been praised by the universityís Atheist Society, who claim that the preaching of anti-gay messages cannot be excused by religion.
Whilst Mr Menk is not advocating violence or prejudice against homosexuals, his views are undeniably discriminatory. Ruth Hunt of Stonewall, a charity that campaigns for gay rights, has spoken out in favour of the zero-tolerance attitude taken by the six institutions, including Cardiff. She said: ìuniversities should always remain mindful that they have a duty to protect all of their students and to ensure balance in university discourse.î
Ashley Bebbington
News Editor
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