Creative Writing Literature


By Lucy Matthews

If putting cucumber on my eyes 

Is meant to block out bad vibes 

And rising at 5AM 

Sets me apart from them 

Why am I still not enough? 

Practicing self love is proving to be tough 

Yoga doesnÔÇÖt dry my tears 

And no amount of journaling 

Cancels out the self loathing 

I have gathered over the years 

Loving yourself is a scam 

Pack up your self-help books and be damned !

A scroll will open up an insecure shaped hell hole 

You can scramble and kick 

But you will always get dragged back down 

Into a living your best life abyss

Today you will go on a jog 

In an attempt to free yourself from the grips of a comparing yourself to her bog

An anxious week will have you 

Glued to how to be confident blogs 

Why does it feel like

Your entire belief system is being flogged 

Ladies and gents listen up 

Tell those patriarchal rules to shut up 

And rid yourself of sexist expectations 

Precariously upheld across nations 

Relied upon by misogynistic foundations