
English Literature Society Charity Creative Writing Competition

Are you an avid dabbler in poetry or prone to writing a short story or two? What is it that inspires your creative flair? What theme do you often find yourself drawn to? Whatever it is, we want to see what youÔÇÖre capable of. We want to know the depth of your inspiration this year for our creative writing competition.

Those of us who run the CU English Literature Society are trying to raise as much money as we can for the National Literacy Trust this year, and to do so weÔÇÖre hosting a creative writing competition! WeÔÇÖre very excited to announce this and encourage everyone to get involved, whether youÔÇÖre drawn to prose writing or poetry ÔÇö we want to see what you have to offer. If youÔÇÖd like any more information on the charity and all the events they themselves host, then you can find everything on their website:

The limit for short story entries is 1,000 words; the limit for poetry submissions is 100 lines. We want you to format your pieces however you choose, and write within any theme or genre, as long as they donÔÇÖt exceed these limits. You can submit as many pieces as you like but each will have an individual fee of ┬ú4. Members of the English Literature Society will have a ┬ú1 discount, so each piece will cost ┬ú3. Entries can be bought from (on our society homepage) and each submission must be sent via email to with your [name] and [student number] as the subject of the file so we know who has entered and paid their fees. Names will then be made anonymous when they are sent to be judged, we just need them on file to be able to announce the winner and distribute prizes!

The winner(s) of this competition will have their submission published in the January edition of Quench Magazine and receive a range of prizes from book vouchers to theatre tickets to see The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe at the Sherman Theatre. Entries will close at 20:00 on 16th November 2015 so make sure to pay your fee and send in your literary pieces to the stated email before then!

Because we are so curious about each individualÔÇÖs unique inspiration for their writing, weÔÇÖre hoping you include with your submission what it is that inspires you. What was it that sparked the idea youÔÇÖve created? Whether it comes in the form of a photograph or meaningful quote, weÔÇÖd like you to attach a file alongside your literary piece to show us what encouraged your writing.

ItÔÇÖs perfectly okay though if you donÔÇÖt want to, we understand that not everyone uses outward influences to inspire them and a lot of work comes from within. We just thought it would be a nice companion to your creative writing ÔÇö something that could be published alongside the winning piece to help readers understand its depth.

We canÔÇÖt wait to read all the amazing entries, and look forward to seeing whose winning piece is published!


About the author

Aletheia Nutt

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