
How to get out of a ‘Reading Slump’

By Megan Shinner | Advice Editor

As January assessments are (hopefully) coming to a close, youÔÇÖve found yourself with a bit more free time on your hands. YouÔÇÖd like to get back into reading but youÔÇÖre feeling so drained from all those sources youÔÇÖve just read for your essays. The TBR pile is getting bigger by the day from your impulse book buys after promising yourself that this is the book that would get you back into your old reading habits. Below are some tips to finally break that reading slump!

Start Small

Books can seem quite overwhelming and such a commitment when we look at the outside, which is probably half the battle youÔÇÖre facing. It takes time to get to grips with the characters, plot, location ÔÇô itÔÇÖs quite an exhausting thought sometimes. If the whole process of reading a book seems a little too much – just start smaller! There are plenty of brilliant books out there for less than 200 pages, from classics to comedies. However, if a book is still feeling too long, try reading a magazine or an online blog about a topic you like. Once youÔÇÖve got the ball rolling, youÔÇÖll be away!

Try Mood Reading

As daunting as that ever-growing tower of TBR books may look, the last thing you want to do is try and force yourself to read something just because the 3-month-ago version of you thought it was interesting. By all means, if there is something there that you want to read ÔÇô go for it! If not, perhaps it’s time to change your genre? If youÔÇÖre fed up with crime thrillers, try a romance. If you donÔÇÖt want to delve into fiction just yet, try a psychology book or an autobiography by one of your favourite celebrities. Reading shouldnÔÇÖt be a chore, and you should enjoy what you are committing to. Find something fun and engaging and youÔÇÖll be good to go.

Try an Audio Book

If struggling to focus seems to be the issue, try an audiobook. This way, you donÔÇÖt have to sit down and dedicate a chunk of time to one thing. Audiobooks give you the freedom to potentially go on a walk or clean your room whilst also diving into a book. One thing is for certain ÔÇô your multitasking skills will be put to the test! There are some great sites and apps that offer free trials or the first few books for free so you can see if audiobooks are more your thing.

Set a Regular Goal

You know what they say ÔÇô practice makes perfect! Set yourself a daily reading goal to get back into the habit. A good starting place could be just 10 pages, or a chapter a day. A good time to do this could be just as you wake up or just before you head off to bed, to either create a relaxing start to the day or to wind down from a very busy one! You may even want to head to a park (if it’s not too cold!) and set a 30-minute timer so youÔÇÖve hit your reading goal and managed to spend some time outside that day. Discipline is the best way to solidify a habit and by starting small, you are sure to get to where you want to be.

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