
How to get involved in student media at Cardiff University

The student media is a brilliant asset to Cardiff University as it has not only entertained and informed our student population for several years but shows off the hard work of talented individuals that contribute and run it. It consists of Gair Rhydd (a weekly newspaper), Quench (a monthly student magazine), Xpressradio station and CUTV station. In my first year, I was a frequent reader of bothQuench and Gair Rhydd and also knew many people who were were part ofXpress radio. I had an interest in writing and wanted to get involved, but by the time I had realised this, Freshers had long passed and I had no idea how to get in touch. Last year I was determined to get involved so became a contributor for the newspaper. Nine months later, after realising that writing was what I wanted to do as a career, I decided to apply to become a section editor. I thoroughly enjoy contributing and would highly recommend it.

Who should get involved?

Anyone is welcome to get involved in any branch of Student Media. No matter what degree programme you are studying, students of all ages and types are welcome to contribute. You don’t need any experience, just enthusiasm. If you have a casual interest in writing, radio or television why not give it a go? If you are considering a career in the media you should definitely think about volunteering your time. Employers love candidates with previous experience.

Why get involved?

Becoming a part of the student media will be one of the best decisions you make at university. It is a brilliant way to meet new people and make friends. New members are welcome all year round. We are a lovely bunch of people, honest! You will not only meet other Freshers but older students who you can learn from.

It’s not all work. Over the course of the year there are several socials and fun nights out that you can join in with. In addition, being involved with the student media is a great way to develop your existing and talents and to learn new ones such as editing and producing. It is an excellent addition to your CV, making you desirable to employers.

How to get involved?

Keep an eye out for the student media stall at the Freshers fair. Come and speak to us face to face about what sort of things you are interested in being a part of and leave your email address so you can be contacted about various socials and events. Join the Facebook groups:

Gair Rhydd Contributors 2015/16

Quench Contributors 2015/16

Xpress Radio 2015/16

CUTV Facebook page in the process of being set up, keep an eye out!

In addition, all four sections of student media will be running hourly ‘Give it a Go’ workshops on different days where you can learn what it takes to write, edit, present and produce for us. If you are interested you can sign up on the ‘Give it a Go’ web page on the SU website. Here are the dates and times of workshops:

Xpress – 24th and 25th September 1-4 pm, Xpress studios, 3rd floor of the SU, (┬ú1 cost).

CUTV – 26th September 12-3pm, Sir Donald Walters boardroom, 3rd floor of the SU (┬ú1 cost).

Gair Rhydd & Quench- 19th October between 3-6pm, Student Media office at the SU (£2.50 cost).

If you would like to get in touch with any of the editors (Joseph Atkinson, Gair Rhydd / Emily Giblett, Quench) or station managers (Kieran Lewis, Xpress / Alice Bell, CUTV) please email them on:

About the author

Gwen Williams

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