
Mrs FoxÔÇÖs Diary

As conceived by Luke Slade

What a nightmare this past couple of weeks has been. I mean, all IÔÇÖve had from Liam is moaning. To make it worse, he sits at his computer crying with The GuardianÔÇÖs ÔÇÿhow we broke the storyÔÇÖ page up. I always find those pages so obtuse ÔÇ£oo look at me weÔÇÖre The Guardian and we get all the best storiesÔÇØ bloody pathetic.

The one thing that annoyed me, is that they were saying his apology was not enough. I mean if you say that to a child, they will look at you not knowing why the word ÔÇÿsorryÔÇÖ exists in the first place. The very nature of the word is so that it gets you out of these tricky situations. Not only that, I put him on the naughty step for 50 minutes (one for each year as the super-nanny suggested) apparently this wasn’t enough.

The worst thing is IÔÇÖve suspected things have been going on with Adam for years. I mean I know they were friends and all but it was the ÔÇÿplay-datesÔÇÖ, the trips abroad (even on our honeymoon ÔÇô I didnÔÇÖt think the best man had to come, but apparently thatÔÇÖs the norm?)

[pullquote]The worst thing is IÔÇÖve suspected things have been going on with Adam for years[/pullquote]

And after all that, he goes and resigns. Why is it that a resignation is all these people want? CouldnÔÇÖt he be disciplined with that whip they’re always talking about at parliament, or perhaps the speaker could give him a talking to, I mean, if they want, I could put him on the naughty step for longer?

That said, Liam and I have been out of touch lately but since this whole affair we have really connected. Adam hasnÔÇÖt been around and it feels like the first time weÔÇÖve ever had some time together. Perhaps Adam will piss off and be someone elseÔÇÖs advisor for a bit, so that Liam and I can have our lives back.

I saw Adam the other day, he said sorry, I told him it wasnÔÇÖt enough and that he should resign as a friend. Apparently, thatÔÇÖs how we adults deal with these things.

About the author

Luke Slade

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