
Hillsborough: a hidden tragedy

The truth about the Hillsborough disaster has finally been revealed.┬ágair rhydd┬áSport’s┬áFelix Bramley┬átells all.

On April 15th, 1989, Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield hosted an FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. The match is remembered as one of the greatest tragedies in footballing history, with a death toll of 96.

The Leppings Lane Stand allocated to Liverpool was hugely overcrowded. This, combined with an insufficient number of turnstiles and inadequate policing, spelled disaster.

When the overcrowding reached tipping point, people were forced forward against the metal fencing that surrounded the pitch to prevent invasions. This meant that there was no escape and those unable to climb the fence were brutally crushed and trampled.

Initial reactions to Hillsborough failed to acknowledge the most palpable cause: inadequate policing. Instead, statements were released blaming Liverpool fans for hooliganism, claiming that malicious violence caused the disaster.

Even at the time, police failed to see the problem and prevented ambulances from entering the stadium; over 40 ambulances arrived, yet only one was let in. Further, police prevented people from leaving the stadium to access the ambulances. Among all of the tragedy, this, unbelievably, was to prevent clashes between the Liverpool fans wishing to escape and the Nottingham Forest fans situated on the side of the ground nearest the ambulances.

The Hillsborough disaster has re-entered the public domain as the findings of the Hillsborough Independent Panel were released last week. The report found that based on post mortem examinations, had the emergency services’ reactions and co-ordination been improved, up to 41 of the deceased may have survived. In addition, it found that no Liverpool fans were responsible in any way for the disaster, and that the main cause of the disaster was a “lack of police control”.

This report draws a line under the disaster, restoring the respect of Liverpool Football Club through unveiling the truth.  The tragedy will never be forgotten, but at least now it will be remembered correctly.

About the author

Tom Parry-Jones

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