
The Societies Fayres

The eclectic extravaganza, which aptly portrays our 2 days of Societies Fayres, opened on Thursday27th September to a good response from students.

It appeared that, as usual, the Fayres attracted all years of students across all disciplines with their broad array of opportunities. Caris, a 2nd year student, told gairrhydd that she was struck by the ÔÇÿhuge choiceÔÇÖ available, although judging by her slightly bewildered expression (on her face and on othersÔÇÖ!), it would appear that choice in this instance can be fairly overwhelming. Pamela, also a 2nd year, found it ÔÇÿreally good fun, though too warm!ÔÇÖ and Josh, an old-hand 3rd year student, told gairrhydd it was ÔÇÿamazing! So many people have turned up, IÔÇÖm loving how busy it is and the number of people interested in the Christian Union stall in particular. I think itÔÇÖs great that there are loads of new societies, itÔÇÖs just so exciting that itÔÇÖs growing! There is also a massive banana walking around which makes me happy.ÔÇÖ The bustling nature of the Fayres is certainly, it would seem, a matter of taste!

The Great Hall saw a more or less steady stream of students from as early as 10.15, with numbers peaking at around 1pm. Drama Society Act One were pleased with the number sign-ups they were getting, and there was enthusiasm and a friendly smile to be found at every stall you visited, bar the very few which unfortunately had not been set up by their society members.

The opinion from the perspective of outside the Fayres was a different one. Our Societies Officer Adam Curtis, looking down on the Fayre (which he has to do, of course, from his great heightÔǪ), observed on Day One that it was ÔÇÿa lot quieter than last yearÔÇÖs Fayres – surprisingly so, in fact.ÔÇÖ As a result of all the media coverage which has been going on prior to the event, it would seem that our Societies Officer was, at that point at least, a little disappointed in the numbers: ÔÇÿAt this stage, IÔÇÖm wondering what IÔÇÖve perhaps done wrong, despite all the social media coverage weÔÇÖve been spreading around.ÔÇÖ

Figures, however, are not everything. Overall, the Fayre has been what it generally always is ÔÇô a forum for societies to meet prospective members face-to-face and share a little (or a lot!) of their enthusiasm, which is always great to see.

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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