
Express Yourself!

Passionate about dance?  Interested to take up a new hobby?  Or simply looking for a chance to let go and escape from the burden of your degree?  Then Expression may be the society for you!


Expression is a unique dance society that caters to all abilities:┬á it doesn’t matter if you’re professionally trained or completely new to dance, everyone is welcome!┬á Fairly new to the Guild of Societies, we’re only going into our third year, so as of yet haven’t been as well known as the other Cardiff Dance Societies… but this year that’s all going to change!┬á At last years Global Village performance, the society wowwed the crowd with a dance showcase ranging from classical contemporary to edgy and modern to a much more commercial style… and that’s what is so great about Expression, we take inspiration from styles across the spectrum to create exciting new pieces of dance.┬á Since then, we’ve been getting our name known, and are looking forward to recruiting more members and delivering more fantastic performances.


I joined Expression in January this year, and immediately I was welcomed into the society as if I’d been there since the very first class.┬á The friendly vibe and complete absense of any form of judgement made it so easy to find my place amongst the members.┬á Being a smaller society, there is a real closeness between the members, which helps to get rid of any nerves anyone might be feeling.┬á No one is there to judge your dancing:┬á we’re all just there to take part in something we love and have a great time doing it!


There’s a lot of oppurtunity for performance with Expression aswell.┬á Throughout the year we have our recurring performances (such as Circus of Horrors and Global Village) but we also do one off performances in clubs and events as well.┬á This year we look to increase the number of performances we’re doing, and also to collaborate with other societies aswell.┬á We hope to not only join up with other dance societies for events and hopefully put together a big dance showcase, but also team up with some of the charity societies to help them out with some fundraising through performances.┬á With so many talented and inspirational societies in the Guild, it seems a wasted oppurtunity not to work alongside them at some point!


Saying this, there is no pressure what so ever to take part in the performances.┬á Members can be as involved as they want:┬á if you don’t feel confident enough to perform, it doesn’t matter… and it certainly won’t effect your class experience!┬á We run three classes a week: a dance class, a technique and strength class and a flexibility one!┬á All classes are non-compulsory, so you don’t have to worry about missing a class if you can’t make it.┬á It’s such a relaxed environment, members can feel free to attend as many or as little classes as they want.┬á The three classes are a great way to keep fit and improve your stamina, ultimately improving your dance ability.┬á We also run workshops every so often, particularly around exam time, where we bring in teachers of various dance experience to choreograph and teach new routines to us.┬á As well as this, there will be frequent socials and trips throughout the year:┬á a great chance to mingle with the rest of the society and gain some great experiences in the meantime!┬á As Social Secretary, I hope to arrange a trip to London around Christmas time to see a West End show, and a trip abroad next year… any ideas are more than welcome!


That’s another thing about Expression:┬á every voice will always be heard.┬á We pride ourselves on taking into account every single members thoughts and opinions, so if you have any ideas on what we could do to improve the society, or thoughts on new performances or socials, we want you to speak up!┬á And if you have any pieces of choreography you want to put to the class, or want to get involved with warm-ups or cool downs, we welcome you with open arms.┬á We want everyone in the society to feel valued and to realise how much of an integral part they are to Expression.


So if you want to get involved with our vibrant society, or just see what we’re about, come along to our first taster class on Tuesday October 9th at 8pm in the Aneurin Bevan room (top floor of the Union)!┬á All dance classes will be held on a Tuesday in the same place at the same time.┬á If you’re still not sure if you’re ready to commit, we will also be holding another taster session the Tuesday after… until then there’s no need to sign up on Campus Groups.┬á When you are ready to sign up, the price for the year is ┬ú25, but that covers all classes throughout the year.┬á Following this, there will be a welcome social on October 17th, an excellent chance to get to know new and old members!┬á All details can be found on our facebook page:┬á We hope to see you soon!

By Amber Bell

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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