
Climax Promotions in Solus

On 13th November, Solus will be hosting a one-off night that will be organised by a company external to the Union.

The night will be provided by the Events Promotions Company, Climax, who will be hosting its famous club night, ÔÇÿBattle of the UnisÔÇÖ.

Union Development and Internal Affairs Officer, Kieran Ghandi explained, ÔÇÿWe were approached by Climax to hire our venue for this one off event and believe that there is no conflict of interest with our own commercial operations.┬á Climax are a local based company and we prefer to work with local companies when the opportunity arises.ÔÇÖ

Throughout the course of the night, Cardiff University, Glamorgan and Cardiff Metropolitan (formally UWIC) students will be pitted against each other in various friendly games.  These will include gladiator style duels, sumo wrestling, mud wrestling and dance offs.

Yet there may be concerns about the fact that the Union ordinarily prides itself on its friendly welcoming atmosphere, and its provision of club nights the majority of those attending being Cardiff University Students.

The event in Solus could be seen as potentially problematic as the night in question, ÔÇÿBattle of the UnisÔÇÖ, openly encourages inter-university rivalry. However, Ghandi said, ÔÇ£IÔÇÖve been to the ÔÇÿBattle of the UnisÔÇÖ event in previous years and always had fun taking part on the night with Cardiff Met and Glamorgan. ThereÔÇÖs always been a real sense of fun and participation, and the nights have always been fantastic!ÔÇØ

Currently, there are only plans for the one externally provided event in Solus. However, with the unfortunate failure of nights such as ÔÇÿCtrl-alt-delÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿReviveÔÇÖ, the success of the night could determine whether or not the Union will host similar nights in the future.

Ghandi said,┬á ÔÇÿWe currently have no plans to change our existing strategy with regards to regular club nights, but are always open to consider other options in the future.ÔÇÖ

About the author

Kendal Archer

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