
Safer city, safer students

Cardiff StudentsÔÇÖ Union Welfare and Community Officer, Megan David, has said that ÔÇ£a priority for the StudentsÔÇÖ Union must be to promote road safety to students.ÔÇØ

This comes after two major road incidents that have occurred in the past two weeks in close proximity to the StudentsÔÇÖ Union.

The first incident, involving a student, occurred on Colum Road. Reportedly, the student was crossing the road and was hit by a car. It is believed he broke his leg and collarbone.

The second incident, which happened last Wednesday, involved another student who was cycling by the crossroads on Park Place. The student was in a head-on collision with a car, and it is believed he suffered a broken back and facial injuries.

As most Cardiff University students will be aware, the crossroads by Park Place, as well as the length of Colum Road, are extremely busy areas for traffic: including cars, cyclists and pedestrians.

Megan David has commented: ÔÇ£As a university which is based in the centre of a busy city, it is so important that students are careful when walking and cycling.ÔÇØ

Megan David is currently in the process of creating a ÔÇ£Safer CityÔÇØ campaign. Working with the Cardiff police and council, as well as the other universities in Cardiff, the aim of the campaign is ÔÇ£to ensure the safety of students in the city with the aim of preventing more incidents like this occurring in the future.ÔÇØ

Both of these tragic incidents prove how easy it is to get hurt on the road, especially in such a busy city like Cardiff.

With the backing of the Students’ Union promoting increased safety of students on the roads, along with Megan David’s upcoming “Safer City” campaign, students in Cardiff will hopefully be able to avoid accidents like this in the future.

About the author

Bethan Jones

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