
Leeds Student: Editor’s Comment

I’ve always been a fan of absolute freedom of speech. That is, freedom of speech for everyone, regardless of their views. I think itÔÇÖs important that everyone is allowed an equal opportunity to express their views and to be heard.

I firmly believe that as soon as you say a certain person or a certain view cannot be heard or cannot be said, you do not believe in freedom of speech.

Related to that, I also believe in the freedom of the press. Okay, I accept that itÔÇÖs come under fire recently and that there needs to be responsibility as well, but responsibilities should never stifle a free press.

The two views seem quite extreme, but theyÔÇÖre pivotal to editing and running a newspaper. They also hold so much importance to journalists as a whole and, as someone who works with potential journalists everyday, I cannot support any view which I believe to impinge on those rights.

Let me make myself absolutely clear: I do not in any way support any of the views that Nick Griffin has. I disagree wholeheartedly with the BNPÔÇÖs politics and policies alongside any far right organisation. But I defend his right to say everything he says and I defend the right of the newspaper to print his views and opinions.

To read that members of the NUS had tried to dictate their opinions to the editor of the Leeds Student is a step too far. ItÔÇÖs a step towards censorship and, as a believer in free press and freedom of speech, itÔÇÖs horrifying that theyÔÇÖve attempted so publicly to stifle Leeds Student.

Too often do people jump to the conclusion that by displaying GriffinÔÇÖs views, weÔÇÖre going to end up with more and more BNP members and the right wing benefitting. What they fail to realise is that the Cambridge educated Griffin does not necessarily come across very well when interviewed.

In this instance, it does not take a genius to see that his strange assertions on gay people are ridiculous. He actually states: ÔÇ£children will die over the next few years, because theyÔÇÖll be brought up in homes which arenÔÇÖt married.ÔÇØ How ridiculous is that? It defies belief! The argument that people will turn to his views after stating something as baffling as this is flawed.

At Cardiff, I feel weÔÇÖre lucky to not have a ÔÇÿNo-Platform policyÔÇÖ like the NUS. Free and open debate is stifled by it. It is very difficult for you to form an opinion on something if you donÔÇÖt fully understand all of the arguments ÔÇô however extreme they may be.

To Leeds Student I give unremitting support. I must applaud the editor, Lucy Snow, for sticking to her guns and printing the article, with no retraction or apology. As she so perfectly said in her blog on the GuardianÔÇÖs website: ÔÇ£Griffin is a politician in a country which has free speech, it is essential that his views and policies are exposed for what they are. Leeds Student merely gave Griffin enough rope to hang himself.ÔÇØ

About the author

Chris Williams

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