
Water, water everywhere (and the best part is, it’s free)

Written by Oliver Richards

Some common highlights of Freshers Week include: Crawling home in the early hours of the morning with your newly-found best friends, pre-drinking from 6pm every night and dancing until those expensive and rather impractical heels surprisingly start to hurt your feet. One feature of Freshers week that I certainly noticed, but which may have missed out on many peopleÔÇÖs lists to that amazing kebab from Uni Kitchen, was Living Water. An offshoot of Cardiff UniversityÔÇÖs Christian Union, Living Water – often referred to as ÔÇÿJesus WaterÔÇÖ – could be seen greeting students outside the SU nearly every night. As this may be the first time youÔÇÖve really spared the group a full, sober thought, IÔÇÖd like to create some sense of appreciation for them, or at least some knowledge of them. Hence, this article.

Formed in 2007, the group is an entirely non-profit organisation that serves two main purposes: to hydrate fatigued club-goers and, through this, to spread the Christian beliefs they hold. Up until recently supported by the Spar company, they have given away over 50,000 bottles of water entirely for free. The labels on the bottles contain the group logo and a brief quote from the Bible. Now, I mean no offence to anybody when I say that some people can be put off by others sharing their religious views, and being of no religion myself I will admit to some scepticism at the thought of others pressing their views on to me, however well intended they are. But this again is reason enough for me to write about the group; I urge you not to shy away from their generosity, however you feel about their beliefs.

In discussing this, IÔÇÖd like to talk more generally about the Christian Union of Cardiff University. As far as belief-based unions go, the CU is by far the most approachable and unobtrusive I have had the pleasure of meeting. Having a flat mate who is a regular church goer and a attendee of their events, I have been to a few pub quizzes and other things organised by them and have never had my space invaded, or even been asked about my own beliefs. This flatmate of mine and first-year Accounting and Finance student Lulu had this to say on the Christian ethos of the group: ÔÇÿJesus Water is a good thing… It gives people a chance to ask questions about God and talk to others about what theyÔÇÖre going through,ÔÇÖ also adding that, besides this, the group ÔÇÿhelp[s] those people who are absolutely wastedÔÇÖ.

Do give a thought to the practical side of what they do: if you asked a selection of students at random if theyÔÇÖd be willing to stand outside in the cold Cardiff weather into the early hours of the morning dispensing water to oblivious club-goers, most would say no. And I will admit that my response would be the same. This makes appreciating their efforts all the more important.

The Christian Union do strive to spread their views, but they donÔÇÖt intend to challenge your personal feelings or to change you – and this (like their water) is very refreshing and welcoming, and I urge you to embrace it and to feel no trepidation when meeting anyone from the group. The male President of the group, Joshua Reid, pointed out their aims: ÔÇÿWe make a big point of keeping ÔÇÿJesus WaterÔÇÖ something by students for students, because as the Christian Union we love that we can serve our fellow students like this to demonstrate the love that Jesus showed us on the crossÔÇÖ. He added that ÔÇÿIÔÇÖve also had the hot chocolate I made called ÔÇ£an orgasm in a cupÔÇØ, so we must be doing something right here!ÔÇÖ [pullquote]ÔÇÿIÔÇÖve also had the hot chocolate I made called ÔÇ£an orgasm in a cupÔÇØ, so we must be doing something right here!ÔÇÖ[/pullquote]┬áHis comments sum up both sides of the group, as well as their striving to help their fellow students, regardless of anybodyÔÇÖs views.

If you take one thing away from this article, other than some background information on the group, I hope it is the willingness to express gratitude at their generosity. The group is currently trying to find another kind contributor of free water, but when they are back on the streets I urge you to chat to them and tell them what a useful service they provide. Whatever your views, water is liquid life and members of the group will, IÔÇÖm sure, appreciate a few words of gratitude, even if they are slurred.

Like ‘Jesus Water’ on Facebook for more information and keep your eye out for the group and their new look and friendly faces.

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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