
RAG Week descends on Cardiff University

Come next Monday, the 12th of November, the University will be red with the stripes of ‘RAG Week’ as our ‘Raise and Give’ Society takes over – Cardiff’s only Society that is dedicated entirely to fundraising. For the presently uninitiated, RAG week is a whole week of fundraising events in the Student’s Union and surrounding Cathays area in support of selected charities.

This year, RAG are supporting the following 4 charities:

Ty Haffan hospice, who provide palliative care and support to  children and young adults with life-limiting illnesses; Nightline,  the student-run listening, emotional support, information and supplies service; Multiple Sclerosis Trust, who conduct research and provide support for sufferers of the condition, and Refuge, the service for victims of domestic violence who run safe houses, offer a wealth of support services and work in communities to prevent domestic violence against women and children.

Gair rhydd will help you keep up to date with what is going on here. Take your housemates or society to an event, and show RAG your support – there is something for everyone and you can participate from as little as ┬ú1!

Societies Officer Adam Curtis spoke to gair rhydd, giving his thoughts on the upcoming week:

‘The fundraising aim of RAG Week this year is ┬ú10,000. Last year’s total was not as impressive as we would have hoped, even though Santander stepped in to double the final amount. And the events of this year look great (Student vs Food sounds especially good!) and the always-popular Lost has already sold out, which will have created a head-start of a few thousand pounds, so we should be able to have a good crack at smashing that ┬ú10,000 target.┬á[pullquote]’The always-popular Lost has already sold out, which will have created a head-start of a few thousand pounds, so we should be able to have a good crack at smashing that ┬ú10,000 target.'[/pullquote]

Adam also pointed out, however, and very rightly, that it is ultimately down to the response of students to the week, and urges students to get involved as much as possible: ‘If we’re going to be reaching our full potential for this kind of event, we will, I think, need to be reorientating the focus of the Week onto the members of the local community, rather than soley the student community, where both money and thus involvement cannot be as high as they might be.’

At the moment, however, ‘Cardiff students need to grow up and get involved!’, said Adam. ‘Our RAG week is still young and growing, and our RAG ‘culture’ is low, but it ultimately takes the target audience’s involvement to make it work so that we can create successes to build on in the future, as other Universities have done to construct their massive RAG weeks.’

‘Saying that,’ added Adam, ‘thanks and appreciation must go to the RAG team for their organisation and dedication in putting on the Week.’

And, saying that, here is your fully fleshed-out version of events happening in and around the Union. Just so that you have no excuse…


Take Me Out ÔÇô 7.30pm CF10, The Union. Tickets ┬ú3

Still single?! To open RAG week they are holding the ultimate dating show. Come down and be in the audience or contact RAG to take part. Put their match-making skills to the test. But remember: No likey, no lighty.



3 Legged Night Hike – 7pm, Meet at the Union, ┬ú3 sign up, ┬ú20 minimum sponsorship.

Find a friend and get involved, get everyone you know to sponsor both of you to race to a mystery location. Enter via campus groups by Monday 8pm.


The Ultimate Pub Quiz ÔÇô 7.30 The Vulcan, ┬ú2 per person, max. of 5 per team.

For those of you who would rather just venture down the pub, they are hold a relaxed evening with a hint of competition. Be in with a chance of winning a minute behind the bar.

* Drinks to the value of £30



RAG at the LASH ÔÇô 10pm, Solus.

Come and find them at the Union for society competitions and antics all night.



Student vs Food ÔÇô 7pm, CF10. ┬ú5 competitors fee, ┬ú2 for spectators.

RAG challenge you to scoff your way to being crowned CardiffÔÇÖs champion. Bring your housemates or society down to witness the madness and place your bets on the winner ÔÇô all winning bets will get a free drink* from Solus.

To compete, contact RAG with your name, society and contact number by Monday 12th November.

*Selected drinks only. Method of betting will be explained thoroughly on entrance.



Clowning ÔÇô Nominations needed – ┬ú5 to nominate.

Secretly sign up someone you know – committee member, housemate, sports rival, etc. to be followed by a RAG clown all day. The only relief will be at the cost of a ┬ú20 donation. Email your nominations to asap.


RAG Raffle ÔÇô The draw will be in The Taf at 3pm

Buy your wristband ticket for ┬ú1 to be in with a chance to win ┬ú1000.┬á RAG’s sponsors for this, 2Let2 and Soda Bar, are donating the cash prize, so every ┬ú1 ticket will go directly to the RAG charities. Tickets can be purchased from November 1st in the Union box office or your local library* Come down to the Taff to see the draw** and celebrate with the winner.

*Library locations are subject to change. Notifications will be sent out daily via Facebook and Twitter with sales locations. **All tickets must be purchased before noon on Friday 16th November to be entered into the draw. To claim the prize the winner must present their wristband in its entirety.



ItÔÇÖs a charity hitch and the finale of RAG week 2012! Your team will be dropped off at a top secret UK location and then will have to race back in time for Come Play whilst completing a series of challenges along the way. RAG challenge you to blag your way back home for free. Sign up your team of 3-5 on Campus groups before Friday 9th November!



RAG know that everyone has lectures, but even if you can spare an hour here and there please come and give them a hand. Without your help numbers may be limited for all of the events. Volunteering is a great asset to any CV. Contact them with your availability and any area of interest! Facebook/CardiffRAG @Cardiff_RAG, and ‘Like’ their Cardiff RAG Week 2012 Facebook page.

You can commit as much time as you want to volunteering with the RAG Society, outside of RAG Week. They aim to raise money in a variety of fun and interesting ways, from bake sales to clothes swapping to skydiving, and they also travel around the UK for street collections, sometimes meeting up with other RAGs for collecting and socialising afterwards.

If you just fancy coming along for a few of the socials to meet some new people or coming with us for a couple of collections then that’s great, but if you want to organise your own event for a charity close to your heart, RAG will be on hand to help you out. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, with planning, publicising and running events all requiring plenty of people on board.

Email for volunteering opportunities – every hour that you can give is appreciated by RAG. …And enjoy RAG Week!

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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