
Movember: Week 4

Opinion Editor Nick Evans writes his final entry in his Movember diary.

Girlfriends rejoice!┬á Movember is almost at an end. If your boyfriend is starting to look like a playground lurker or an unwashed Mario brother, your pain and suffering is nearly over. Be fair though, look deep within yourself and you know you like all these ÔÇÿtaches floating around Cathays, it makes you feel like youÔÇÖve taken a trip down anachronism avenue to the 1920ÔÇÖs.

Through these Movember diaries, weÔÇÖve read all the statistics about prostate cancer and the health risks that are associated with and contribute to prostate cancer. WeÔÇÖve heard the opinions of great men on their moustaches and the moustache as a construct.

As a Welshman, it saddens me that more of the Welsh rugby squad arenÔÇÖt showing their support but I am very proud of the effort made by internationally rugby stars in general. Even though I detest him as a player, IÔÇÖve been most impressed with Toby FloodÔÇÖs moustache.

ItÔÇÖs not just ÔÇÿmanly menÔÇÖ who are showing their support though, international celebrities such as Snoop Dogg and Andre 3000 have grown their ÔÇÿtaches to be included as ÔÇÿmo brosÔÇÖ.

The concept for Movember was developed over a few beers in a pub in Melbourne in 2003 and in 2011 it raised over $126 million internationally. Clearly MovemberÔÇÖs founders have inherited the pioneering spirit of moustachioed men such Orville Wright and Mario the Plumber .

I do fear, however, that the banter and japes of Movember risk obscuring the fundraising spirit of the charity. ÔÇÿNo-shave NovemberÔÇÖ which was inspired by Movember but extends to things such as beards and women not shaving their armpits has no fundraising element. Most of the guys I know who are ÔÇÿdoingÔÇÖ Movember arenÔÇÖt raising money for prostate cancer, itÔÇÖs become more of a competition amongst lads for who can grow the most impressive moÔÇÖ, perhaps only the alpha lad who grows the alpha ÔÇÿtache should set the benchmark for how much each lad has to raise for the charity.

Referring back to the tomfoolery and japes that Movember encourages, does it promote the odious ÔÇÿuniLADÔÇÖ lifestyle? In my opinion, it shouldnÔÇÖt but IÔÇÖm afraid it does, kind of, ÔÇÿweÔÇÖre all lads who can grow moustaches so letÔÇÖs act like ladsÔÇÖ. This is inherently contradictory to the original decree of Movember which states that men must behave in a gentlemanly manner for the entire month, not act like a lad, gentleman and lad are antonyms.

So there we go, itÔÇÖs over for another year (unless you decide to take part in MANuary)

About the author

Alex Greig

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