
Big change for elected officers

The reduction of elected officers was caused by a need for the Union to save money. A paper was then passed at the Board of Trustees meeting towards the end of last year asked the current team of eight officers to approve a shift to just six full time elected officers after which a review was undertaken externally.

A post on Cardiff University StudentsÔÇÖ Union Facebook page claimed that, ÔÇ£The main reason for this change is to reduce costs due to cuts to our funding from the University. It is also considered that a smaller officer team will facilitate more speedy decision making.ÔÇØ

The change to seven officers will mean that the makeup of the team would be as follows: President, Societies and campaigns Officer, Sports officer (AU President) and Student Media and Marketing Officer.

There would then be three Education and Welfare Officers representing the three different colleges: College of Physical Sciences Officer, College of Arts, HUMS & Social Sciences Officer, College of Biomed and Life sciences Officer.

This move would coincide with the UniversityÔÇÖs new college structure, which has been introduced this year.

Whilst the Board of Trustees has asked for a reduction in the number of officers, a motion containing this will have to be brought to and voted on in AGM before a concrete decision can be made on the shape of the new officer team.

Rather contentiously, this new team does not have a separate role for the Heath Park campus ÔÇô yet current Heath Park Campus officer, Hannah Pask, is unfazed by this new development, ÔÇ£I think this new officer team is a really exciting step.

ÔÇ£For Heath students this is really positive, and the focus on the college ensures that their differing needs from the rest of the student body will still be considered, and increases the legitimacy of the role. Plus adopting officers for each of the University Colleges brings Education and Welfare to forefront, the two key features that impact on student experience.

ÔÇ£The changes may be radical, but they ensure every student is represented in a much more comprehensive way than ever before!ÔÇØ

The change would also mean that each of the elected positions have the suffix of ÔÇÿOfficerÔÇÖ.

Current Welfare Officer, Megan David, also saw the good side of this change, saying, “I am hopeful that the new college structure of the new officer team will demonstrate to the university that the Students Union sees representing students on Education and Welfare issues, as our priority.ÔÇØ

One of the roles that has disappeared completely is the Union Development and Internal Affairs role. The role was previously Finance and Commercial Officer, before it was changed last year. Kieran Gandhi said of this change, ÔÇ£I’m not disappointed to see my role of ‘union development and internal affairs officer’ dissolved into the new officer roles, as the work I currently undertake will continue, just under different titles.

ÔÇ£The innovative thinking to follow the university’s new college system will make for better student engagement and representation, ensuring more students have their say and get involved with their union.ÔÇØ

Much to the disdain of previous AU Presidents, the AU President will become the Sports Officer (AU President). Both titles will be used for them, but the hope is that ÔÇÿSports OfficerÔÇÖ will help to clarify the role of Sport and not just athletics within the union ÔÇô yet the tradition of having an AU President could make this a contentious topic when it comes to AGM.

ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm disappointed the decision on the AU President title did not go my way, the AUÔÇÖs identity must remain strong regardlessÔÇØ, Cari Davies ÔÇô current AU President discussed the changes saying that, ÔÇ£I think the college structure is a fantastic opportunity to engage a wide range of students, making the student voice even more prominent.ÔÇØ

The current President gave a typical ÔÇÿpresidential responseÔÇÖ when talking of the changes, ÔÇ£we are at our best when we are at our boldest. We must approve the team at AGM to achieve the step change this organization needs.

ÔÇ£The success of the new structure depends on the candidates who are inspired to run for election.ÔÇØ

The part time officer team was not under review and the motion taken to AGM will not include suggestions for what the part time officer team should look like next year.

About the author

Chris Williams

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