
Anxiety for healthcare students after reshuffle

This involves reducing the current eight people to a six person StudentsÔÇÖ Union Officer team. Whilst the Board asserts that the new structure will provide more efficient decision making, the scrapping of the Heath Park Campus Officer position has been met with some opposition.

The new structure sees the responsibilities of the Heath Park Officer and Education & University Affairs Officer dispersed amongst the College of Physical Sciences, College of Arts, HUMS & Social Sciences and the College of Biomed and Life Sciences Officers. As far as the healthcare students are concerned, their representation now lies in the hands of the latter.

This focus on education and welfare within each college is seen by the current Heath Park Campus Officer as a positive transformation that will not negatively implicate the representation of the healthcare students. However, the importance of the current officer to the campus has been expressed by those such as Medicine student Ellie Parker. She stressed the roleÔÇÖs relevance stating, ÔÇ£the Heath based courses are so different to normal courses; we need to have a representative.ÔÇØ

However, the Officer change does not mean that the healthcare students will not be represented by the new Union team structure. The College of Biomed & Life Sciences will correspond with the schools currently relying on the Heath Park Officer for support services and academic and social welfare amongst other aspects of student life. The difference is that, whilst supporting the schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Nursery and Midwifery, the College will also be aiding the Psychology and Biosciences Schools. Rather than remaining specific to the Heath Park Campus therefore, the new Officer will be responsible for a wider student body.

The Heath Park Officer is responsible for communication between the healthcare students, the StudentsÔÇÖ Union and the University on behalf of the healthcare students.

With recent improvements including petitioning for a bus to go between the Heath and the Union, the position has previously aided the campus specifically. Another Medic student emphasised ÔÇ£I really donÔÇÖt think they should get rid of the role, itÔÇÖs very important.ÔÇØ

However, the change has not been met with anxiety by all healthcare students. Emily Trew, a second year nursing student sees the benefits of focusing on individual schools rather than the campus, saying, ÔÇ£I think we will be better represented as it will be more specific to our course area rather than a campus area.ÔÇØ

There are also those who saw the role of Heath Park Campus Officer as ambiguous and welcomed the change and legitimisation of their representation. Erin Gourley, a third year medicine student asserted this, saying, ÔÇ£the fact that the roles are more differentiated would definitely make me feel more represented and the title makes the role more obvious as “Heath Park Campus Officer” doesnÔÇÖt really give you any information; it sounds like a great idea.ÔÇØ

Some students also expressed uncertainty regarding the current OfficerÔÇÖs role. Third year Medic Amrit Singh said, ÔÇ£being a third year, IÔÇÖm still not too sure of the role of the Heath Park Campus Officer, so I am not entirely sure what the impact of the shuffle will be. However, I hope that the opinions of healthcare students will still be represented.ÔÇØ Other healthcare students had similar responses, with one stating, ÔÇ£I donÔÇÖt know what any of the officers do or who they are to be honest.ÔÇØ

The current Heath Park Officer, Hannah Pask, has commented on the reshuffle, reassuring students, ÔÇ£there has been a clause put into the job description of the Education and Welfare Officer to ensure a Union presence will remain at the Heath and continue to deal with the issues around studying on the seperate campus. I think students are disgruntled because it looks like a massive change. It may look like my role is being lost, but in fact it is growing!ÔÇØ

If the AGM cements the proposal, the StudentsÔÇÖ Union will seek to continue the representation of these healthcare students sufficiently with education and welfare at the centre of improvement. However, whether the greater emphasis on integration rather than treating the Heath Park Campus as a separate entity is a negative or positive change remains to be seen.

Katie Griffiths

About the author

Kendal Archer

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