
Spotted: controversy continues

┬áSpeaking to students around Cardiff University it would certainly seem there are mixed views surrounding the matter – are Spotted pages truly a cause for concern?

Whilst most agreed the general idea is a ÔÇ£relatively harmless bit of fun,ÔÇØ as put by Sarah McAnallen, it is easy to see how the issue has the potential to escalate. She added, ÔÇ£I personally donÔÇÖt really see much of a problem with it, but I guess itÔÇÖs easy for it to get out of hand if it is not correctly monitored. I suppose you might feel differently if it were directed at you.ÔÇØ

Speaking to a Student Ambassador, the issue over personal attacks on individuals was raised: ÔÇ£Considering some of the Spotted pages have nearly 1000 likes and counting, the resulting embarrassment for a subject of a post is likely to be quite a concern, especially as underneath many of the posts people are identified by their peers. While there is no doubt that many of the posts are witty and of a nature that allows students to have a mutual laugh, as the number of likes grow, so do the problems associated with such pages.ÔÇØ

Rhys Thomas added, ÔÇ£It is difficult to fully guarantee the legitimacy of posts as the majority come from peers who are simply constructing stories for point scoring and entertainment.ÔÇØ

A number of the posts have been seen to encourage the objectification of women in particular; posts commenting on individuals who have caught someoneÔÇÖs eye for one reason or another. Whilst some viewed this as a form of ÔÇ£flattery,ÔÇØ Alice Lawrence noted that ÔÇ£the crude nature of the majority of posts is far from flattering.ÔÇØ

CardiffÔÇÖs own ÔÇ£Spotted: TalybontÔÇØ is a growing phenomenon, receiving over 700 likes on Facebook since its creation on 20th January. Speaking to the creator behind the page, who wished not to be named, they were quick to defend it stating: ÔÇ£It was never my intention to harm or insult, merely to provide laughs.ÔÇØ

When asked about their reasoning for setting up the page they stated: ÔÇ£I had seen a lot of these Spotted pages cropping up throughout the last few months and found them utterly hilarious, providing they didn’t go overboard. I created ÔÇ£Spotted: TalybontÔÇØ with the foremost intention of creating cheap laughs, but I can’t help but feel it’s helped create a bit of a sense of community around the place too. I understand that a lot of the Spotted pages have the inclination to turn silly, resulting in personal and physical attacks. That was never my aim and – as far as I can see – something that’s never been done.ÔÇØ

One of the major concerns over the pages is the lack of moderation, with each being set up by anonymous students, posts made public at each creatorÔÇÖs discretion. Yet it was reassuring to hear in this case action is being taken to ensure claims are made in good nature; ÔÇ£When something that I feel could actually upset a person, when it’s malicious rather than joking or with humorous intent, it’s not posted.ÔÇØ

Following last weeks gair rhydd article it was suggested they get in contact with the StudentsÔÇÖ Union, ÔÇ£I’ve sent them a mail explaining that it was never my intention to harm or insult, merely to provide laughs and create friendshipsÔÇØ. Although currently waiting on a response from the Union they confirmed, ÔÇ£If they aren’t happy then I’ll take it down.ÔÇØ

Georgia Hammer

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