
Letters: The President Responds



Subject: Elected officer ÔÇÿreshuffleÔÇÖ and the opportunities it brings.

You may be aware that it is the intention of the Trustees of the StudentsÔÇÖ Union to bring the size of the full time elected officer team in line with other Union’s of our size and standing; from 8 to 7.

There are many ways in which this can be done and many opinions on the best way. ÔÇÿReviewsÔÇÖ have been conducted before, mostly by officers themselves but have always compromised to the extent that nothing really improves for anyone.

It was my opinion that an independent third party with some knowledge of our Union would be best placed to consult with students and make insightful recommendations. That, they did.

The recommendations were supported in full by the entire Full Time Elected Officer team and will be coupled with fresh job descriptions for discussion and approval at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 7th February.

The bulk of the recommendations centre around using the review as an opportunity to react to massive changes at the University. In the past year, the University has appointed an entire new senior leadership team and structure. We need to keep up.

Our 27 academic schools now report to three ÔÇÿcollegesÔÇÖ, each headed up by a Pro Vice-Chancellor (the second highest rank in a University). If we elect a Vice President of the Union to represent each of these colleges, we will have a direct line to influence these senior staff members, a seat at the College Boards and a loud voice at the very top of the University.

We are here to represent all Cardiff students. NowÔÇÖs our chance.


Harry Newman

StudentsÔÇÖ Union President


Proposed positions:

Students’ Union President;

VP College of Physical Sciences for Education and Welfare;

VP College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences for Education and Welfare;

VP College of Biomedical and Life Sciences for Education and Welfare;

VP Sports and AU President;

VP Societies and Campaigns;

VP Student Media and Marketing.

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