
Fourth floor redevelopment

Mediated by the University Executive Board, ideas proposed by students in surveys circulated throughout December, and were shortlisted and developed by the UniversitiesÔÇÖ Elected Officers. The funding is to be spent in many different sectors of the University. A lot of students’ focus, however, seemed to be on the Union, as it is arguably the most collectively used place by all students of the University. Harry Newman, President of the StudentsÔêÜ Union, along with Kieran Ghandi, Union Development Officer, and Ben Eagle, Facilities Manager, recognised the consistent call for the re-development of the fourth floor from numerous groups of students across the University. Consultations with permanent Elected Officers took place, ensuring the bid was agreed with by all.

Harry Newman picked up on the UniversitiesÔÇÖ societies for such facilities: ÔÇ£Societies are crying out for more meeting rooms in the Union and this development will deliver for them.ÔÇØ At present, rooms can be difficult to book and do not necessarily facilitate the need of the society. With such a variety of groups, from dance societies to debating societies, updated rooms seemed to be a high priority. These improvements will ensure that all societies will have free use of a variety of rooms throughout term time.

The changes are also set to benefit CardiffÔÇÖs student media. Plans have been made to provide two new purpose built studios for the UniversitiesÔÇÖ radio station Xpress. Furthermore, calls from the media department for a new office have been acknowledged with the addition of a modernised central media hub, which will house all of its sections. The Universities already thriving media sector will no doubt benefit from these new developments, allowing access to more up-to-date technology and a streamlined set up.

Finally, the re-development will most importantly seek to provide a source of income for the Union during periods where it is not used. In the eight months of term time, the Union is used consistently by students. However during four months of the year the huge building is arguably left empty. The bid proposed to utilize this space throughout the four months in which it is left unused. The new rooms on the fourth floor will be available for private hire, at a cost to companies in Cardiff. WhatÔÇÖs more it has been suggested that it will also become host to corporate conferences during the summer, which Harry claims will be ÔÇ£low cost, high incomeÔÇØ. This revelation will aid funding of the Union and possibly contribute towards further developments.

The re-development of the fourth floor is due to take place over the coming months. Plans have estimated the work to be done by Easter at the earliest, but with the full transformation to take place for the new academic year. This means that by next academic term, the Union will look decidedly different and will allow greater student participation in student media and societies throughout the University.

Jade Atwood

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