
Nine burglaries in seven days

According to Student Liason Officer, PC Tim Davis, nine break-ins occurred between 3rd February 2010 and 9th February 2013. The burglaries took place on Cogan Terrace, Hirwain Street, Llanbleddian Gardens, Letty Street, Monthermer Road and Sengehennydd Court. Stolen items include laptops, cameras and games consoles.

The police are currently investigating the burglaries. PC Tim Davis has said, ÔÇ£we are reminding students who live in and around these areas to report any suspicious activity they see no matter how insignificant they think it might be.┬á We would rather receive a call from students reporting someone acting suspiciously and find it was made with good intentions than not have something reported and then have to investigate the burglary which can be very upsetting for the victims involved.ÔÇØ

It appears that, for the most part, entry has been gained to the properties by forcing doors and windows.

Third year James Rollinson, who had his house broken into last year, told the gair rhydd about the intrusion into his house. The property was located on the corner of Rhymney and Fitzroy Street. The police think the house must have been watched, as the burglary occurred in a short half hour period between 11.30pm and midnight, the only time when the house was not occupied. The burlgars gained access through a window on the second floor, which had been left slightly ajar. They then made their way to RollinsonÔÇÖs ground floor room, which cannot be locked as it contains gas and electricity metres. They stole a recently purchased iPad, a laptop, headphones and iPod that had consciously been kept out of sight, indicating that the burglars must have thoroughly searched the room. They then took a PlayStation from the living room.

The intrusive nature of these crimes is particularly shocking. However, Rollinson received a phone call from Cathays police last week, telling him that someone had been convicted for the crime.

Second year Helen Cox, told us ÔÇ£a few houses on our street were burgled in FresherÔÇÖs Week. It makes you wonder whether it will be your house next. It is a worry.ÔÇØ

Recently, there have also been incidents of car break ins. On Tuesday 5th February, the same week during which the burglaries took place, third year Law student Charlotte Pettman, had the back window of her car smashed. She said, ÔÇ£nothing was taken, so it seems really pointless. I donÔÇÖt understand the recent increase in crime. There seems to be no motive and it is going to cost me a lot to get the window replaced.ÔÇØ

Whilst nothing was taken, the incident is still an example the sudden outbreak of crime in Cathays.

Following the current burglaries, Tim Davis assured students that ÔÇ£police have increased patrols in these areas but are urging anyone with information on the burglaries to come forward and report it on the 101 telephone number.ÔÇØ

He said, ÔÇ£students need to ensure all doors and windows are locked properly, keep valuable items such as laptops out of sight and if the house is unoccupied close curtains and blinds and leave lights on so it appears someone is at home.

South Wales Police will come and security mark all valuable items for free and if any student has concerns about the security on their house or wants items marked then they should contact PC Tim Davies who is the Student Liaison Officer for the city.

About the author

Kendal Archer

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