
Dean of Medicine finally cleared of research misconduct

The Dean of Medicine has been cleared by a University panel of any misconduct relating to his research.

gair rhydd reported in issue 983 that Professor Paul Griffiths was under investigation for allegedly manipulating images relating to cancer research, along with other members of his research group.

The Professor, who has been investigated before, was entirely cleared of any wrongdoing during an internal investigation by Cardiff University.

A three-member panel, chaired by a former Cardiff Circuit Judge, said that the was ÔÇÿno case to answerÔÇÖ in relation to allegations that Professor Morgan manipulated images in a number of academic research articles.

However, a former employee within the research group had allegations of image manipulation upheld in four instances.

ÔÇ£Throughout this episode, I have maintained my innocence, and that of my research team, in the face of allegations of research misconduct.

ÔÇ£I am pleased that the Independent Panel has rejected all allegations against me and concluded that there was no case to answer.

ÔÇ£The episode has been extremely upsetting ÔÇô not only for me personally, but also for friends, family, colleagues – and particularly, my research team. The University has examined more than forty published articles in relation to my research group and no additional findings of academic misconduct were made.ÔÇØ

He also said, ÔÇ£it is matter of deep regret that the actions of one individual has had such a profound effect on the academic reputations of my colleagues and myself.ÔÇØ

Reporting on the story, BBC News said that Professor Morgan believed there was a need to investigate the allegations to ensure high academic standards are maintained.

A University spokesperson added, ÔÇ£The UniversityÔÇÖs procedure is compliant with guidance issued by the UK Research Integrity Office, to which the University subscribes.ÔÇØ

The panel reported that no-one, including other co-authors, peer reviewers or journal editors had found the discrepancies on the images prior to publication. It equally found that Professor Morgan was unaware that the unnamed individual had included manipulated images in articles.

The conclusion was that the former University employee should take sole responsibility for the four instances in which misconduct allegations were upheld. The panel has recommended that protocols be put in place to ensure that original image files are accessed prior to articles being submitted.

A University spokesperson said, ÔÇ£Cardiff University accepts these findings and recommendations and will now take action to put in place procedures to ensure that incidents of this sort do not recur.ÔÇØ

About the author

Chris Williams

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