
Are Ex-Criminals entitled to the same Civil Liberties?

Emma Kate Marsden looks at the case of criminals attempting to gain compensation from having their phones hacked.

The last 2 years, during the investigating and reporting of the New International phone hacking scandal, has promoted a national outcry from many quarters of the public. 

How dare the media, self-titled ÔÇÿcrusaders for truth and justiceÔÇÖ and opposed to any immorality, use immoral and dishonest means to get to the ÔÇÖtruthÔÇÖ at hand. The irony and hypocrisy of this has been far too bitter a pill to swallow for much of the general public. Initial investigations as to the extent of the phone hacking were conducted in 2005-2007. At this time, it was concluded that only celebrities and those in the public eye had been targeted.

However, subsequent investigations revealed that, in fact, the phone hacking had also extended to families of deceased soldiers and victims of crime- including the family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler. This revelation prompted feelings of revulsion and outrage from the public and some press and, ultimately, led to the Leveson Inquiry being undertaken. During the Leveson Inquiry, lists of people who had been victims of phone hacking became known.

Many well-known celebrities on the list were awarded compensation, amounting to tens of thousands of pounds. In and amongst all these names was another name. This name may not be as well known to some as, say, Hugh Grant, but to others the name is notorious and prompts equal and unparalleled levels of disgust as some of those outlined above. The name is Robert Thompson. For those that do not know, Robert Thompson was one of two 10 year old boys who abducted and brutally killed a 2 year old boy named James Bulger in 1993. Details of the crime and what James had endured were so horrific that they were not released to the general public for almost 20 years.

Robert and his accomplice, Jon Venables, were tried in an adult court and sentenced to 15 years. This was later reduced to 8 years. They served just less than 7 years. Upon sentencing, the boyÔÇÖs 2 identities were revealed. Upon release, they were given new identities and anonymity for life, at a cost of approximately ┬ú2.5milion.

One of these boys, now a 30 year old man, has been sent back to prison, where he is currently serving a 2 year sentence. The other is now attempting to claim up to £50,000 compensation from the News International group, due to his phone being hacked. According to reports, neither man has ever shown full remorse for his crime.

So, up until now, a violent killer who was released early has shown no remorse for his crime has had millions spent on his new identity and protection is in line for receiving a huge cash pay-out. Is this right or just? I do not think so as I do not think this man ever paid his debt to society or to his victimÔÇÖs family. Surely criminals committing murder and heinous crimes should not be eligible for phone-hacking compensation.

I understand that this may be seen as emotive reasoning. In which case, letÔÇÖs say that he should be treated the same as everyone else, that he has a right to privacy, regardless of his crime. In that case, shouldnÔÇÖt any monies awarded instead be donated to a charity? Otherwise surely he is profiting from his crime, as if he had never committed such a terrible crime, his phone would never have been targeted as no one would have been interested in him.

There are horrific reports of the killers laughing as they committed this crime to a terrified 2 year old boy. It is incomprehensible how this must make JamesÔÇÖ parents and family feel. Forever haunted. How would you ever get over something like that?

The boys laughed during the court-case and again during their detention. Now it would seem one of them will be laughing in JamesÔÇÖ name once again- all the way to the bank. That is, unless the public takes a stand against this and against him, as they did 20 years ago. But will this generation care?

There is currently an online petition set up by James BulgerÔÇÖs memorial trust to stop Thompson receiving a pay-out. The petition states that if he is awarded any monies it should go to a charity of JamesÔÇÖ familyÔÇÖs choice- possibly the James Bulger Memorial Trust, set up in JamesÔÇÖ name. But time is running out. The deadline is 4th May to receive 100,000 signatures. So far, almost 30,000 people have signed it.

So, it would seem, I am not alone in my thinking that not all victims of phone hacking should receive compensation. After all, letÔÇÖs not forget who the realvictims are here.

Details of the petition can be found at http://

About the author

Chris Williams

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  • For legal reasons, neither Robert Thompson nor James Bulger’s name is on the actual petition in the attached link. It has been worded more generally. If you sign the petition, you must click on the confirmation email to validate your signature. More details can be found on twitter at @jbmt1.