
Edore’s note

Yet another busy week in the Athletic Union that saw our clubs fulfilling all home fixtures and most away fixtures as well. A varied week of results, but a shout-out goes to our menÔÇÖs lacrosse team, who put in an excellent performance on Wednesday and demolished Bournemouth 11-2 to send a clear message to the other clubs in their division.

In other news, I was lucky enough to attend the first ever BUCS Disability Sport Development Day last week. Altogether, it was an amazing event as I listened to some very inspiring speakers and the day has given me plenty of ideas for potential events to hold that can raise greater awareness of disability sport within both Cardiff University and the local community, especially with regards to coaching opportunities and taster events.

Moreover, I was able to participate in both wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball. It was a fantastic experience to be able to try out both sports. Wheelchair basketball proved to be incredibly difficult – moving and controlling the wheelchair is nearly impossible when coupled with the fast pace of basketball. I wasnÔÇÖt too great at that! Sitting volleyball had its own challenges as well but I was a lot better at that, to be honest.

Aside from being out of the office for a day and playing sport, there were some significant messages to be taken away from the development day. Some still see disability sport as a lower tier to able-bodied sports and it was made clear to everyone that, during last yearÔÇÖs Paralympic Games, this was not the case. Correcting this mentality starts with making sure that there is greater awareness of disability sport within the community and obviously in the University as well. As an Athletic Union, we can look to engage disabled students with more opportunities to play sport and also by engaging them with the clubs that already exist in the AU.


Athletic Union President


About the author

Tom Eden

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