
Edore’s note

With November here and the days getting shorter, we really are into the swing of things with regards to fixtures and events.

Last week, there was the first major event for one of our newest clubs. Our Road Cycling Club sent some of their members up to Derbyshire to take part in the 2013/14 Hill Climb Championships. A massive ÔÇ£well doneÔÇØ must go to Annie Stanford and Rachel Underhill, who came 14th and 22nd respectively out of a field of more than 50 competitors, meaning that we have the two fastest hill-climbers in Wales. Further congratulations goes to the menÔÇÖs team, who finished 24th out of 55 teams and are ranked as the second best hill-climb team in Wales.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of plans afoot for this month. ThereÔÇÖs the charity naked calendar and annual dodgeball tournament being held on Thursday November 28th.┬á This yearÔÇÖs naked calendar will see its proceeds donated to MIND. MIND offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health. ThereÔÇÖs also the annual dodgeball tournament, which is always an extremely popular night.
If youÔÇÖre interested in playing dodgeball, why not register a team? You can form a team with your club or society, or just get a group of 10 friends together. In the Great Hall, thereÔÇÖll be hot dogs, pizza and drink available throughout the night. So, get involved and get ready to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!
If your club is interested in either the naked calendar or dodgeball, then make sure you get in touch with me at

Athletic Union President

About the author

Tom Eden

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