
Varsity dates announced

UntitledThe fixture date for the 2014 Welsh Varsity, the biggest student-sporting event in Wales, has been confirmed for Wednesday April 9th, the week before the Easter break.

The action-packed day consists of over twenty sporting events between Cardiff University and Swansea University culminating with more than 15,000 students flocking to the Millennium Stadium to watch the rugby match that will settle the score between the historic rivals. This final sporting event of the day will see Cardiff attempt to avenge last yearís 21-13 defeat.

The event is in its eighteenth year and allows students of both universities to celebrate the pride they have in their university through healthy sporting rivalry.

For many students who play sport whilst at university, Varsity is the highlight of their sporting calendar. Ellie Davies, captain of Cardiff University ladies football 1st XI said: ‘Our grudge match with Swansea is a big goal for the team in terms of preparation, training and tactics. It takes a lot of time to prepare but the fixture is always a lot of fun for us.’

But this year’s date means some medical students are set to miss the event all together because of exam clashes.

Lily Ryan Harper, a second year medical student, said: ‘I am really gutted as Varsity was one of my favourite events of last year.

‘It means that while all of my friends from other courses and halls get to go out and enjoy the day, we├¡ll all be revising.├«

Gemma Wheeler, Vice President Heath Park said: ‘Wednesday afternoons are ideally left free from lectures and exams for students to play sport but there are occasions when this isn’t possible.

‘If a student were selected to play in a Varsity match and has concerns about this clashing with the time of the exam, I would urge them to get in touch with their Student Academic Rep, Ollie Wannell (Vice President Education), or myself.’

Tickets for the Welsh Varsity will be on sale from the beginning of March at the price of ┬ú12.50 and can be purchased from the Students’ Union Box Office.

Katie Sands

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Tom Eden

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