

Sports editor Rory Benson talks to Jake Astley about how Foregone ConclusionÔÇÖs season has been anything but inevitable

Foregone Conclusion have had a mixed start to their Division Two campaign with a loss at the hands of Y Gym Gym, and a win against Inter Menan.

Jake AstleyÔÇÖs side will be looking to secure a few more wins in Phase Two of the competition, with the teamÔÇÖs eyes firmly set on the top of Division Two. But with strong sides such as Pharmacy and CUCC FC in the same league, the squad knows that they still have some tough games to come.

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How has your season been going so far?

WeÔÇÖve qualified for the second league and we won our first game. We lost our last game 2ÔÇô0 and we didnÔÇÖt play too well. It really depends on what team we put out because weÔÇÖve got a very small squad. We only had 11 players in our first game and 12 in the second, so I think weÔÇÖre doing alright compared to some of the teams who have more players to choose from.

Who are the key players in the team?

Ben Plester played centre-back for us last season, but, this year, he seems to be scoring a lot of goals, so IÔÇÖd probably say Plester and our ÔÇÿkeeper, Tom Swallow, as well. HeÔÇÖs keeping quite a lot of shots out of the net, and IÔÇÖd say heÔÇÖs one of the better ÔÇÿkeepersÔÇÖ in the league.

What are your aspirations for the season?

Well, we obviously want to win the league, but weÔÇÖve got a long way to go. I think IÔÇÖd be happy with a top-three finish because we seem to be enjoying our football and playing some decent stuff. I think weÔÇÖd all be happy coming in the top three.

What would you say is your main weakness?

Obviously, we have a small squad, but I think we probably think weÔÇÖre a bit better than we actually are. We donÔÇÖt have too many weaknesses, really. Everyone struggles going forward a bit, but we have Plester who is putting his chances in the back of the net now.

This yearÔÇÖs IMG competition has come under criticism from captains because of the refereeing system and IMGÔÇÖs overall organisation. What would you change to improve IMG football for the future?

IÔÇÖd say we should put more pressure on the people who are deciding whether the pitches are playable or not. Games are getting called off far too regularly this season and I donÔÇÖt think that should be happening. I also think a new website that organises the captains better would improve the overall running of the league. ItÔÇÖs a fun league and no one takes it too seriously, but, maybe if the Pontcanna pitches are waterlogged,┬á other options should be found by the co-ordinators. The players can always get transport there.

Have any teams that you have played stood out as abusive to the referees?

No, not at all. I think itÔÇÖs quite a fair playing field. I had an incident with one lad the other week, but, at the end of the game, everyone shook hands and we got on with it. The good sportsmanship between teams is really what IMG is all about ÔÇô itÔÇÖs not the Italian league!

Do you think the Wales are strong enough to qualify for Euro 2016 with Belgium, Bosnia, Cyprus, Andorra and Israel being drawn in their group?

IÔÇÖm Welsh through and through and IÔÇÖm going to try and stay positive and say ÔÇ£yesÔÇØ! Although, obviously, that isnÔÇÖt an easy group for Wales.

Do you think that Cardiff City will avoid the drop? Who do you think will go down?

I think they play good football, sort of in the style of Swansea. Some of the English teams donÔÇÖt have the financial backing that Cardiff have either, so I think IÔÇÖd back them to stay up. For me, Fulham are definitely going down, but, after that, itÔÇÖs really hard to call.

With the season drawing to a close, who do you think will win the Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League respectively?

Liverpool are definitely going to win the league ÔÇô Luis Su├írez and Daniel Sturridge are scoring for fun. For the Champions League, I canÔÇÖt look any further than Barcelona, given the pedigree of the club. For the FA Cup, IÔÇÖm going to say that Arsenal wonÔÇÖt win it. IÔÇÖll go for Hull and Steve Bruce to get their hands on the trophy.

About the author

Tom Eden

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