
Ed’s Note

Hello, hello! Welcome back to the final term of the year.

I know all of you will have exams to get ready for, as well as dissertations and theses to hand in. I do not envy any of you spending your days and nights revising for what seems like an endless few weeks, but keep going and persevere! It will all be worth it when you finish and you know you’ve got the marks you deserved.

In the meantime, to keep your spirits high, let’s have a look back at what was the biggest Welsh Varsity event we’ve ever had.

This year’s Varsity saw us win a staggering 24 out of 31 events – the most events Cardiff has ever won. That could only happen with the immense time and effort our clubs put into training for Varsity. For many clubs, there is a four or five-week gap between their last fixture of the season and Varsity, so it is a great compliment to them that they can keep up the intensity for those weeks and still be able to play at such a high standard at Varsity.

Special mention must be made to our newest Varsity sports – swimming and canoe polo – as well as the boxing event.

These new events saw Cardiff absolutely smash Swansea and they were held in good spirits. It’s fantastic to see that these events have added great value to the Welsh Varsity and I look forward to them taking place in future years as well.

Similarly, the boxing Varsity was also a major success, taking place in Oceana Swansea. Unfortunately, this didn’t result in a Cardiff victory, but I’m assured that in future years to come we’ll have the edge against Swansea and achieve revenge.

Overall, the Welsh Varsity was a massive success, not only with us winning as many events as we did, but also the massive number of people taking part, whom I would like to thank for their efforts.

Representing your University at Varsity is one of the biggest honours a student can receive, so all of you should be immensely proud. Secondly, I’d like to thank all the members of staff who helped make the day run as smoothly as it did, from those in the WIS reception to those out on Pontcanna Fields.

The most important thanks of all must go to all the students who watched the events! Without the student supporters, Varsity wouldn’t be what it is now, so thank you all.

Finally, a funny fact to leave you all with – on Varsity day, over 15,000 plastic cups were distributed to spectators for all of the drinks that were bought, so fair play to all of the people who turned up and got into the spirit of things to contribute to that number!



Athletic Union President, 



About the author

Tom Eden

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