
Nice times in France for Athletics Club

Following the success of their first ever tour to Madrid last year, Cardiff University Athletics and Cross Country Club flew out to Nice during the Easter break to compete in the cityÔÇÖs Half-marathon and 10k events.

The club took 37 athletes to the start line and managed to surpass the previous yearÔÇÖs achievements by bringing home both 1st and 3rd place trophies in the 10k and an abundance of high-ranking finishes and personal bests in the Half.

The first two days of tour were spent soaking in the culture of the French Riviera, paddling in the Mediterranean and drinking fine wines and ales on NiceÔÇÖs legendary beach.

The night before the race, the majority of the group returned to the hostel early to mentally prepare for the challenge ahead, whilst Matt Harding, led a group of ÔÇ£injuredÔÇØ athletes out on a tour of NiceÔÇÖs finest bars and clubs.

At 9am the following morning, both races began simultaneously on ÔÇÿLa Promenade des AnglaisÔÇÖ and, apart from the first couple of miles that weaved through the city centre, the majority of the Half was spent repetitively going up and down the famous coastal road.

After half an hour of running, Dan Nash approached the 10k finish line, over two minutes ahead of the rest of the field. The clubÔÇÖs MenÔÇÖs Cross Country Captain, who has brought the club countless achievements over the past two years, including a junior victory in the Madrid Half Marathon on the prior tour, topped the podium with a time of 31:07.

The silverware didnÔÇÖt end there, as next yearÔÇÖs GirlÔÇÖs Cross Country Captain, Jemima Osborn, proved herself as the best person for the job when she won bronze in the womenÔÇÖs race, winning her age category. Osborn crossed the line with a time of 40:35 and was also given a hefty trophy that would have to be awkwardly stuffed into her hand luggage on the flight home.

Rob Hislop also did exceptionally well in the 10k, clocking a time of 37:18 and placing 29th out of over 2000 runners.

As both races shared the same course, the half-marathon athletes were able to enviously watch their fellow teammates cross the 10k finish line, as they prepared to face another 11k on the road. Lauren Roe delivered an outstanding performance being the first CUAC athlete, and more notably, the 10th woman to cross the finish line with the outstanding time of 1:27:24.

Club Veteran, Glyn Wise, who spent most of last year out of action, topped off a triumphant returning season by being the first CUAC male to finish, with a time of 1:29:29. Alec Care also squeezed under the hour and a half mark finishing 24 seconds behind Glyn.

Another CUAC Veteran, Antonio Cirillo, proved heÔÇÖd retained his fitness since graduation finishing at 1:31:23, with Tommie Hesselenberg finishing shortly after.

Perhaps the greatest battle of the race was between James Thompson and Vice President David Owen. Having trailed Dave for the majority of the race, Thompson overtook him with 100m to go, only for Owen to unexpectedly claw his way back, forcing a desperate dive for the line. Owen was crowned triumphant when the standings revealed he had placed higher, but the decision was overturned when the chip times revealed Thompson had crossed the start line after Owen and therefore had run the race one second quicker.

Another dramatic finish between former President, Rob Whitham and next yearÔÇÖs Social Secretary, Matthew Bull soon followed. Having pushed their bodies to their absolute limits, they both stumbled across the line and straight into the medical tent. They made swift recoveries after being wrapped in foil blankets and, despite their physical states, clocked great times; Whitham finishing at 1:34:13 with Bull two seconds behind.

Of the CUAC athletes that followed, many achieved personal bests, or were running their first Half Marathons. GirlÔÇÖs Cross Country Captain, Anna Moon, finished with a time of 1:36:31 coming 20th in her age category.

Sarah LavenderÔÇÖs training had paid off when she got a PB coming in at 1:39:46, just after debutant Lottee Frazer-Cox who clocked an impressive 1:38:39.

All the remaining CUAC athletes managed to finish within the two hour mark, apart from honorary member Cynon Gwilym, who rolled in with a big grin after two hours and seven minutes of running.

After a well-earned night out at NiceÔÇÖs many bars, the early morning flight the next day was a struggle to say the least, but the team returned to Cardiff happy and proud of their outstanding triumphs.

James Thompson

About the author

Tom Eden

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