
A Bedside visit from Healthcare Drama Society

The Healthcare Drama Society talk to Gair Rhydd about their 'West Side Story' adaptation, 'A Bedside Story'

By Tirion Thomas

Healthcare Drama Society are about to put on our first ever musical! The cast have worked so hard since September and have been acting, singing and dancing three or four times a week to get ready for this performance! ‘A Bedside Story’ is a creative comedy parody adaptation of ‘West Side Story’ and explores a classic tale of forbidden love, sworn enemies, infections and bed pans. With a medicinal twist to your average sing song, this musical is overdosed with parodied pop songs, spoofed musical numbers and classic healthcare gags. So, leave your lanyards, scrap your stethoscopes and come along to our show. We have already sold out two nights and have limited tickets left for the 14th February 2019, so get yours now before they all go.

We haven’t just been busy with rehearsing though. A big HDS event this year was Tour! In chilly December weather, the society had a weekend away in St David’s – not that the weather stopped a few of us from having a dip in the sea or a trip up a mountain. One of the real highlights of Tour was the Nativities, where 3 teams each put on their own nativity play with a few twists added by the judges – there are only so many times when you’ll see King Herod having a rap battle with David Attenborough. HDS will definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY be having another trip away next year, which we all can’t wait for! As a society we have run a number of socials, from the Glee comedy club to fun nights out and from charity socials to drama workshops.

HDS is also excited to announce that this year we are putting on a 2nd production, to be performed in May. East written by Steven Berkoff will be something completely different for our society. Berkoffs writing and techniques are definitely out there; with elements of physical theatre and themes of sex and violence, this show is set to entertain and shock audiences. It is really great to see how far HDS have come since we started two years ago with only a handful of members. We had an amazing first year as a new society in which we performed our first ever show “And Then There Were None”. The show was a great success with a sellout performance and 5 star review.

With both healthcare and non-healthcare students the society is growing and we are always looking for new people to join us. We welcome anyone regardless of your drama experience. Whether you are interested in: acting, writing, directing, backstage or technical theatre. Our society aims to give you the chance to meet people in a relaxed and friendly environment whilst developing your own dramatic skills. So if this sounds like a society for you then why not follow us on social media to find out more!

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