
Freshers: A fortnight in review

Opinion writer Bethan Lyons rounds up her two week of freshers mayhem. 

Freshers has been one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life so far; I have met loads of people I would never normally cross paths with, and got to know them with a little help from my old friend alcohol.

Many of the events themselves are pretty standard, itÔÇÖs the people you meet that make them so memorable; arguably the best night IÔÇÖve had here was a night spent playing drinking games and getting to know my flat mates.

Those who attended the freshers welcome party will vividly remember the buzz and atmosphere that marked the true beginning of Cardiff Uni freshers week. The highlight for me has to be the first night, during which my flatmate and I attempted to walk through the McDonalds Drive-Thru, we were devastated when they wouldnÔÇÖt serve us as we didnÔÇÖt have a vehicle, unfortunately our car noises and yelling of registration numbers apparently did not suffice.

At the beginning of freshers I was grateful for all the free ÔÇÿgoodiesÔÇÖ, until I was given the same aforementioned ÔÇÿgoodiesÔÇÖ. ┬áMy room is now overrun with flyers, and resembles the letters scene in Harry Potter, with me taking the starring Uncle Vernon role.┬áAnother highlight of freshers was attending the various fairs, where most people staggered around looking worse for wear, their faces telling the tales of the night before. Like most, I found myself in this state and ended up giving out my email address to many societies I had no intention of joining; I merely wanted free food.

The infamous freshers flu has only claimed one of my flatmates; it may have claimed another but he is our token recluse so we wouldnÔÇÖt know regardless.
Where else other than during freshers is it socially acceptable to roam around in the early hours in a giraffe onesie, ending the night watching a subtitled and somewhat surreal version of Pingu.
Writing this post freshers, I am genuinely gutted that it has finished. A feeling of post freshers depression has set in. Symptoms include a poor nights sleep-  due to my incredibly hard mattress , dehydration due to reduced alcohol consumption, and the knowledge that I will actually have to wash my own clothes, hindered by my lack of domestic awareness and slight fear of what may lurk in the launderette.
I am already looking forward to being a refresher next year, but first I have the prospect of spending the next year generally abusing my liver, and of course widening my knowledge and progressing onto year two

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