Author - Tom Eden


Ways I can be awesome

Recently, my friend Tony suggested I try out Breakdancing. Naturally, I thought that this would be an excellent opportunity to boost my street cred...


Act One productions announced

Act One is one of the UnionÔÇÖs busiest and biggest societies, staging six main productions annually (along with as many smaller productions as we can fit in!)...


Controversial skullduggery

The theory that there were three separate hominid species roaming Africa has been destabilised recently as a team from the University of Zurich has unearthed...


Over-caring about oversharing?

Writing my first column forced me to be somewhat sceptical of myself. I didnÔÇÖt quite have that clich├®d identity crisis where I faced myself in the mirror...


Initiations have gone too far

After the madness of freshersÔÇÖ week, CardiffÔÇÖs students are once more adjusting to the dull monotony of university life. While the two-week festival of...