
Ed’s note

Last week saw the official launch of the 2014 Welsh Varsity. All our competing club captains gathered in the VJ Gallery in the Main building before moving on to the Millennium Stadium in order to have their promotional photos taken ahead of the biggest student sporting event in Wales.

The day saw our various club captains pose and pout as they put on their best ÔÇÿGame FacesÔÇÖ next to their Swansea rivals and counterparts. Safe to say, it was an excellent day in which the captains could feel immense pride in competing for their respective Universities.

The Welsh Varsity is only seven weeks away and I have no doubt that as the event gets closer and the excitement builds, the sense of pride will escalate and spread throughout the Cardiff student body.

There is no doubt that Varsity is a date that all should have in their calenders, as it is shaping up to be even bigger and better than last yearÔÇÖs event.

Varsity has been one of the most enjoyable events to organise so far during my time as AU President, along with loads of others such as the AU Ball and Dodgeball. The events that I have been lucky enough to have been involved with, have been, for me, what has made my role as AU President the best job in the world.

With the StudentsÔÇÖ Union election nominations closing on Thursday, I encourage any student to nominate themselves to run for AU President. It doesnÔÇÖt matter whether youÔÇÖre a club committee member, a member of a club, or even a student who doesnÔÇÖt play for a sports club.

Genuinely, IÔÇÖd encourage anyone even considering running to put them forward for nomination. WhatÔÇÖs the worst that could happen?

Speaking of ÔÇÿWhatÔÇÖs the worst that could happenÔÇÖ, itÔÇÖs time for AUÔÇÖs Got Talent again! Clubs can sign up for the show online and I must stress the need for ÔÇÿtalentÔÇÖ in this yearÔÇÖs event! Whether that be singing, dancing, anything, but actual talents are strongly preferred. Just saying.

All students are able to attend AUÔÇÖs Got Talent and come and support your own sports clubs on Wednesday 5th March at 7pm in Solus.

Edore Evuarherhe

About the author

Tom Eden

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