
Groundhog day for JOMEC students

In the past week, a Cardiff University examination has come under scrutiny for an incident described by one student as ÔÇ£easily avoidableÔÇØ.┬á

A first year Journalism exam has been criticised. During the core module, Understanding Journalism Studies, it became clear to students sitting the exam that the paper was nearly exactly the same as the past yearÔÇÖs paper which is available on Learning Central. Out of 20 questions, 12 were exactly the same, with 7 reworded slightly, and only 1 being entirely different to the previous paper. In theory, if students had studied the previous paper well enough, they would be prepared for almost every question.

Whilst this might seem like a positive thing to some students, others have stated that it seems like an unfair advantage.

Robert Franks, first year Journalism student who sat the exam last week has said, ÔÇ£I think itÔÇÖs absurd that the exam was almost identical to the past paper, especially as some students were told that this would be the case by year two and three students; while I looked at the past paper, I didnÔÇÖt devote any particular focus to it, so feel cheated by comparison.ÔÇØ

A student, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions, was also caught out by the exam paper; she said, ÔÇ£The exam was exactly the same!

ÔÇ£I had decided I wouldnÔÇÖt revise certain questions because surely they wonÔÇÖt put it in again, and of course, they did!ÔÇØ

The general consensus from Journalism students who sat the exam was a sense of laziness by the University exam board and the JOMEC school, who could not be bothered to change the exam paper. Dacob Jirnhuber, a first year Journalism student said, ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm really disappointed in the school. We pay so much money and they canÔÇÖt even be bothered to come up with new questions each year. They might as well just give everyone a first.ÔÇØ Cardiff StudentsÔÇÖ Union Education Officer, Beth Button, has commented on the incident, ÔÇ£Whilst it is concerning that a number of exams have been affected by these mistakes, I have spoken with the University who have assured me that they will take steps to put all necessary adjustments in place to ensure no student is disadvantaged by these disruptions.ÔÇØ

Bethan Jones


About the author

Bethan Jones

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