
IMG rugby struggles against AU

Whilst IMG Rugby and Netball are recording low levels of satisfaction, the underworld of IMG rugby is thriving, with more teams joining this year.

Groups of students have formed rugby teams from different schools in the University – with some teams even having enough players for ÔÇÿAÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿBÔÇÖ teams. Sources close to gair rhydd have suggested there are up to 240 players currently in the league, with more being added this year.

The teams do not book pitches and play without post protectors or proper referees. Captains have to referee each half, unless there is a dedicated referee who occasionally gets paid – at a cost to the players of around ┬ú1 each.

Many of the teams involved are in some way affiliated to certain schools – with some taking on their names and crests.

One player, who asked not to be named, stated that ÔÇ£the underworld of IMG Rugby is thriving, with more and more Cardiff students choosing to play for ÔÇÿIMGÔÇÖ rugby teams rather than the AU Rugby team.

ÔÇ£The number of teams forming and adding to the unofficial IMG league is increasing year on year, which is adding to a very competitive yet inclusive league of rugby that is currently not supported by the AU.

ÔÇ£IMG rugby welcomes players ranging from academy level to first time players, and unlike the AU, all players are given a fair and equal opportunity to take part in the game; therefore truly representing what university sport is actually about.ÔÇØ

With many questioning the effectiveness and efficiency of IMG Football and Netball, it is worrying that our source claimed, ÔÇ£We have no staff or official structure to organise and book games for us. We do it all off our own back, for free, and manage to cope perfectly well.ÔÇØ

The cost for IMG rugby is virtually nothing, gair rhyddÔÇÖs source said, ÔÇ£As a team we didnÔÇÖt charge a joining fee. We charged the players for the kit package (which was roughly ┬ú40 for the playing kit, which is being extended to a full training kit this year) and a social shirt. Currently there is no financial support from the AU. Therefore clubs have sourced funding, mainly through nightclub and letting agencies, to fund such things as training equipment, subsidised kit cost and referrees.ÔÇØ

The clubs we spoke to were previously sponsored by nightclubs with a letting agency taking over sponsorship this year.

Yet in spite of this growth, IMG rugby is still not accepted by the StudentsÔÇÖ Union or the University.

An official statement, signed by both Stuart Vanstone – the UniversityÔÇÖs Head of Sport and Exercise – and Cari Davies, AU President, states that ÔÇ£Cardiff University and Cardiff University StudentsÔÇÖ Union do not and will not sanction any contact rugby activity outside the three established rugby clubs.ÔÇØ

Whilst there previously was a rugby programme, the statement accepts that ÔÇ£teams previously involved with the now suspended rugby programme are continuing to play rugby.ÔÇØ

In the stern worded statement, they state that ÔÇ£the terms ÔÇÿCardiff UniversityÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿCardiff University StudentsÔÇÖ UnionÔÇÖ and any artwork, including any crests, logos and designs are copyright to the organisation and must be immediately removed from any communication, publicity or clothing.ÔÇØ

The StudentsÔÇÖ Union cite the WRUÔÇÖs code of practice as a reason as to why the Union cannot facilitate IMG Rugby. The code of practice states, ÔÇ£all competitive senior rugby activity must be officiated by qualified level 2 refereesÔÇØ.

They also cite the shortage of qualified referees as another reason for not doing IMG rugby.

Another reason given by the Union is that on occasions where they have been able to get referees the level of injuries were ÔÇ£unacceptably high and the referees involved expressed severe reservations to the point where they would not undertake refereeing activity for us.ÔÇØ

Martin Fowler, director of rugby at Cardiff University, said that, ÔÇ£there are ample opportunities to play rugby that is NGB sanctioned and safe, both internally and externally, I am more than happy to point all students who wish to play rugby in the right direction.ÔÇØ

Union Development and Internal Affairs Officer, Kieran Gandhi, said on the issue, ÔÇ£I donÔÇÖt think the AU fully understands why students chose to play IMG Rugby, but the fact they chose to play IMG rugby should be supported (like IMG football and IMG netball is) rather than conveniently ignored.ÔÇØ

The stuttering start to the IMG Sport season appears to only further the case that a group of students do not need to be part of the UniversityÔÇÖs structure to successfully put a season of sport together.

Chris Williams

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