
Meet the Healthcare Music Society

Written by Heather Ellis

Healthcare Music Society (HMS) brings together students from all different aspects of healthcare, displaying their talents to raise money for charities through musical performance. The society enjoys many socials including meals, nights out, musical trips and drinks post rehearsal.

The ensembles rehearse in the University Hospital of Wales Chaplaincy (B5) performing a combination of pop, film themes and classical pieces. Orchestra rehearses on Tuesdays at 7pm, and Choir on Thursdays at 7.30pm

2012-2013 is geared up to be another exciting year, with more opportunities, one of which is happening on the 16th November at 7pm (Doors open at 5.30) in the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff. The society are taking part in a performance alongside 1000 young people from choir’s across South Wales for Children in Need. The repetoire includes a number of popular pieces including: Rule the World, Circle of Life, Joyful Joyful and many more. The money for Children in Need this year will be going to a number of different places: in Wales, the money will be donated to Buttle UK, a charity aimed at helping children and young people in need, Llamau, a homelessness charity providing services to young people and The National Deaf Children’s Society, these are just a few of the charities that Children in Need are fundraising for, so do your bit, visit or ring ┬á0844 888 9991 and buy your tickets for what is going to be a magical and life-changing evening for young people around Wales and the UK.┬á[pullquote]The repetoire includes a number of popular pieces including: Rule the World, Circle of Life, Joyful Joyful and many more[/pullquote]

For more information about Healthcare Music Society, join our Facebook group ÔÇ£Cardiff Healthcare Music Society 2012/2013 or contact us on

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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