
MenÔÇÖs lacrosse end brilliant season with big Varsity win





This year’s Varsity match against Swansea was a perfect finale to a very successful season for the Cardiff men’s lacrosse team. Following a win from the ladies match, the team warmed up in front of a swarming crowd of rowdy supporters at Pontcanna Fields to begin what would be the last ever match for many of the players.

In the spirit of the day, the game was extremely competitive from the initial face-off, won by Cardiff’s James Tilley. The first goal of the match was scored by a strong Swansea attacking player, with Cardiff’s Joakim Schuwer netting shortly after.

Swansea then proceeded to score two more goals, making the score 3-1 at quarter time, surprising the confident Cardiff team, who had won 7-1 against the same team only a month previously.

The second quarter saw Cardiff return with a vengeance. Schuwer scored twice more, followed by a superb goal by Will Morris, causing spirits to rise and Cardiff to further increase their fervour. James Gibson finished the first half with a skillful goal, resulting in a 5-3 half time score.

Cardiff became more comfortable as a win looked increasingly likely, giving the attacking players a chance to demonstrate some neat set plays, resulting in yet more efficient goals. Bradley Cooper scored for Cardiff, with Schuwer adding two more.

Swansea refused to lose hope, showing strong attempts at scoring throughout. However, Cardiff’s renowned defensive players proved resolute, ensuring that Swansea’s initial goals were their last.

The fourth quarter saw more goals for Cardiff from Robert Bowen, Ondre Teluch and Charlie Quarry, making the final score 11-3 to Cardiff.

Captain Jack Ward stated that it was a fantastic game, in which the team showed strength and heart, particularly in bringing the game back from the initial 3-1 Swansea advantage.

He added that the Varsity win was very important to them in completing their successful season, noting that it was the biggest Varsity win in the club’s history.

Eliza Nicholas

About the author

Tom Eden


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  • As much as I love my goal being described as superb and the fact that the article suggests my goal raised spirits and helped “Cardiff to further increase their fervour”, I am disappointed to see that the score has been put as a somewhat narrower scoreline that the actual result. I think that Cardiff Men’s Lacrosse’s 11-3 annihilation of Swansea was somewhat understated in the grand scheme of Varsity and such a favourable result should get its credit.

    • The score has been amended, apologies for not spotting the mistake earlier and congratulations to the team on the win!

  • As an avid reader of the wonderful feature articles the gair rhydd has been running on the award winning Lacrosse club this year; I really feel, though never having met them, that I have gotten to know the vibrant and exciting characters who’s name frequent the column inches.
    From Bobby’s first ever goal for the lacrosse club to the passing of a giant with James Gibson’s last. Such passion manifesting it’s self into perpetual glory. Then that dark day in March upon which this courageous group suffered their first defeat and 3rd second place in the national trophy.
    As Oscar Wilde once said, “To ascertain the true character of man judge him not how he enjoys victory but how he sufferers defeat”. In true style and class the symposium of manliness that is the source of so much enjoyment for so many regrouped and prepaired for perhaps the most important fixture of the varsity day. After much hard time time spent on and off the field the Riders of Brohan were forged anew, ready to play once again.
    The most terrifying display of excellence then took place leaving spectators and readers alike left speechless, having truely seen Greatness that faithful varsity day.
    So as, I am assuming, the clubs biggest fan and those brave gentlemen who’s match reports have got me through the hard times and the good I must emplor the powers at be to print a correction of the score line and correct the injustice that has been served so their true character can be realised.
    I bid you fair well from myself and all the unspoken fans and am looking forward to seeing the correction soon.
    Charles Harlow

  • If your going to put the scores at the top of the article it may be a good idea to read the thing in the first place!