
Movember ÔÇô the face of menÔÇÖs health

November has come to mark the time of year when moustaches, both good and bad, begin sprouting from the upper lips of Movember supporters worldwide.

This year, Cardiff University is once again celebrating Movember, the annual global charity event that aims to raise awareness and fund programmes for male health conditions by encouraging men to don a moustache for a month.

Since its UK launch in 2007, the charity has gained overwhelming support. Last year, more than 1 million ÔÇÿMo Bros and SistasÔÇÖ from all over the world raised an astonishing ┬ú92 million.

MenÔÇÖs Lacrosse captain, Jack Ward, has taken part in the event for the past 3 years. He said: ÔÇ£Movember is a great cause, raising awareness for prostate cancer and menÔÇÖs health. The lacrosse team have created a Movember donations page and as a team we are aiming to raise over ┬ú500.ÔÇØ

But it is not just the odd student rising to the MoÔÇÖ challenge. Cardiff UniversityÔÇÖs Student Union is showing full support for Movember, not only by promoting the cause but also by encouraging its officers to participate.

Elliot Howells, Societies Officer, said: ÔÇ£ItÔÇÖs great to be getting involved in Movember this year to raise money and awareness of menÔÇÖs health issues amongst the student community.

ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm delighted to have lots of societies involved too! Committee members are joining our Cardiff StudentsÔÇÖ Union team and helping us to raise money for such an important cause. Good luck to anyone else growing their MoÔÇÖs!ÔÇØ

Cardiff University students are being encouraged to register and join the Student UnionÔÇÖs team efforts online. MoÔÇÖ growers will then automatically be entered into the unionÔÇÖs competition for the best moustache at the end of the month as well as numerous other prizes, including ┬ú50 to spend at The Taf.

Make sure to use the #MovemberCSU hashtag on Twitter and Instagram so that Cardiff students can follow your progress.

ItÔÇÖs not too late! You can still register online for Movember here:


Katie Evans

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Tom Eden

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