
NUS referendum to go ahead

Cardiff University could be set to end its affiliation with the NUS after a motion was unanimously passed at Ministry of Change last week.

The motion called for students to have the opportunity to vote on whether we should continue to spend so much on being part of the NUS and suggested that the money that we save could give each sports club around £1,000 extra every year.

Costing ┬ú50,000, NUS membership is something which the Full-time Elected Officer Team have already debated ÔÇô questioning the NUS Wales and NUS UK President on the merits of membership earlier this year.

One of the key arguments for remaining in the NUS has been that NUSSL (the consortium from which all alcohol and food products sold within the Union is bought) offers the Union a good price for their products. Yet there are other options for the Union to consider, should the referendum pass.

The NUS also exist as a campaigning body on behalf of students to the government, and was particularly vocal in the fight against tuition fee increases. Yet more recently, the NUS has come under fire for not preventing the increase in tuition fees and a supposed inability to challenge government. A total of 95% of StudentsÔÇÖ Unions across the UK are members of NUS.

Steph Lloyd, current President of NUS Wales said, ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm excited for the chance to talk to students directly about NUS and how we can continue to work together.

ÔÇ£We want to see Cardiff StudentsÔÇÖ Union continue to play a leading role in the campaign for better studentsÔÇÖ rights.ÔÇØ

For the NUS, the signs of dissatisfaction among students continue as an inanimate carbon rod is running for the next NUS President and has garnered over 1700 likes on Facebook. The manifesto for Sam Gaus ÔÇô the Nominated Rod bearer ÔÇô claims, ÔÇ£[the Inanimate Carbon Rod] has already done more than the National President in the last 3 years to tackle the agenda of the government.ÔÇØ

Whilst apparent dissatisfaction has taken over part of the student movement, Education Officer Beth Button is runningfor  Vice President of NUS Wales. This odd turn of events could cause Button to be VP elect of NUS Wales, whilst her own institution leaves the NUS.

On the issue she said, ÔÇ£I do believe it is in the best interest of students to be part of it, but it is always beneficial for studentsÔÇÖ unions to consult students on big decisions like this, which is why a referendum will offer students the platform to have their say.

ÔÇ£I hope students are able to see the benefits that the NUS brings for their representation, but a referendum will open this dialogue for them to make up their own minds.ÔÇØ

SU President, Harry Newman, discussed NUS, “I’ve gone from outrage at the ┬ú55,000 ish which we pay to be members; to believing that we are getting genuine value for money. Sometimes it changes daily! I’d say that I see much more of the good work that they do in this job as president than I ever saw as Societies Officer.”

His uncertainty continued when discussing whether the Full Time Elected Officer Team would remain united on the issue, ” The team is unified in its ambition to allow students to have their say on any large expenditure. It is likely that different officers will have different views of NUS due to the ways in which their roles lend themselves to interacting with the organisation. That’s fine and what referenda are for.”

When questioned on where the ┬ú50,000 would go if the Union left NUS, Newman said, ” It’s very difficult to put a figure on what, if any saving there would really be. NUS’ buying consortium currently provides all of our stock including all alcohol. If it came to it, we would have to find alternative suppliers and reallocate funds accordingly. Savings, if any would go to fund officer’s projects and student activity.”

This will be one of the most prominent motions that will go to referendum this year ÔÇô other motions submitted to the Ministry of Change which will also go to a referendum include a motion to put a Welsh flag on the top of the Union and a motion asking for a pyjama party in the Union to help raise funds to give orphans pyjamas.

About the author

Chris Williams

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