
Politics events for you in Cardiff

Our Politics Editor has compiled a list of politically themed events that you may wish to attend over the coming weeks.

Guest Lecture: Peter Greste
20th February, 5pm-6pm, Cardiff University Main Building, Lecture room 1.123.
Register: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/guest-lecture-by-peter-greste-tickets-15744610554?aff=es2&rank=2


Pippa Bartolotti, Leader, Wales Green Party
24th February, 6pm-8pm, Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Bute Building, Cardiff University.


Identity and Public Politics Seminar: ÔÇÿA Systemic challenge? ┬áThe implications of the Greek electionsÔÇÖ
24th February, 5pm, Room 1.28 Law Building.
Register your wish to attend by the 19th at LAWPL-Events@cf.ac.uk


General Election Cardiff Hustings
Quiz candidates for the General Election on what they and their parties will deliver for women if elected to parliament.
24th February, 5.30pm-8pm, Cardiff University Main Building


Lecture with Alun Cairns MP. ÔÇÿThe Welsh Language: A Duty and a ChallengeÔÇÖ
25th February, 6pm-8pm, Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Bute Building, Cardiff University.


Elfyn llwyd MP for Dwyfor-Meirionydd, Plaid Cymru, Westminster Group Leader
26th February, 6pm-8pm, Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Bute Building, Cardiff University.


Politics Research Seminar: On the relationship between political and legal power with Ruth Zimmerling
4th March, 12.10pm-1pm, Room 1.29 Law Building.
No registration needed.


Mark Williams MP for Ceredigion, Welsh Liberal Democrats
12th March, 6pm-8pm, Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Bute Building, Cardiff University.


Politics Research Seminar: The personalisation of electoral systems with Alan Renwick
18th March, 12.10pm-1pm, Room 1.29 Law Building.
No registration needed.


General Election Breakfast Seminar, with Professors Richard Wyn Jones and Roger Scully
23rd March, 8.30am-10am, Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay

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