
RAG Week success from the perspective of a victim of ‘Take Me Out’…

By Rhys Clayton

Cardiff UniversityÔÇÖs RAG week has once again been a great success. The action packed week has managed to raise a huge amount for charity, with the final amount still rising.
The week kicked off in style last Monday with RAGÔÇÖs very own version of ITVÔÇÖs Take Me Out. Foolishly, I agreed to take part again. Last year, my magic trick turned into disaster when my wingman/magic partner failed to do his job, but I did get a date when one kind hearted soul left her balloon on.
This year, I knew things werenÔÇÖt going to go well when balloons started popping at the mere mention of my hometown, Swansea. I was incredulous. WhatÔÇÖs wrong with my beautiful home town? Must be down to the jealously of being the only Welsh football team in the Premier League.
Things went from bad to worse when I mentioned that I like sport and keeping fit. This also appeared to be a taboo topic. Maybe next year IÔÇÖll introduce myself with, ÔÇ£Hi, IÔÇÖm Rhys from Wales, and IÔÇÖm an unfit, lazy person who likes to laze round and watch TV.ÔÇØ Not that IÔÇÖm bitter or anything.
Things picked up when I was complimented by one of the girls on my smart attire and the fact that she liked my shoes. Heck, my dad always said you can tell a lot about a man from the company he keeps, and the shoes he wears. Unfortunately, you can also tell a lot about a man by the quality of his voice. My ÔÇ£talentÔÇØ of singing Sir Tom Jones didnÔÇÖt go down too well. The less said of it the better. What was I thinking trying to replicate the unreplicatable? I havenÔÇÖt had a good singing voice since year 9 before my voice broke. I can only apologise, Sir Tom.
The first contestant, Tim from Japan, danced Gangan style for this talent, and was a clear crowd favourite. However, in his introduction, balloons were popped at the mention of his like for cooking! Seriously, what do modern girls want in a man?
Other contestantsÔÇÖ talents included guitar playing, magic, a one handed press-up, and even a no handed press-up (of some description).
Last year, the night was fantastically hosted by ÔÇ£Taffy McGuinessÔÇØ, AKA ex-sabbatical officer Chris Davies. This year, the show was equally adeptly run by Kieran Ghandi. Ghandi ran the show brilliantly, and his quips and gentle ribbing of contestants added to a good-humoured mood and charitable atmosphere.
Speaking to people after the event, it appeared that a good night was enjoyed by all. And more importantly, a lot of money was raised. The success of the night owed much to Nicole Roberts, who organised the proceedings with aplomb. Nicole was ecstatic at the amount raised, and commented ÔÇ£We havenÔÇÖt finished counting how much money we raised but it was much more than we thought!ÔÇØ Nicole and her teamÔÇÖs tireless efforts didnÔÇÖt stop there, with a quiz, student v food, Lost, and comedy night rounding off a very hectic week!
So, did I humiliate myself, albeit for a good cause? Yes. Can I sing Tom Jones? No. Would I do it all again? Course I would! No likey, no lighty!

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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