
Rate your lecturer

Head of Student Media, Chris Williams, has designed a survey that will give students a chance to provide feedback on their lecturers.

When asked why the survey is being conducted, Chris said, ÔÇ£students are now paying ┬ú9,000 a year tuition fees and we want to make sure that they are getting value for money. We want to find out the best and worst lecturers and pass on our findings to the university.ÔÇØ

He added, ÔÇ£We hope that the University will act upon our findings by helping lecturers who do not score so highly improve their lecturing style, but also that those lecturers who are doing a really great job will get the praise they deserve.ÔÇØ

Yet the main aim of the survey is, ÔÇ£about making sure that students get value for money. We all have expectations of lecturers. They should should turn up on time, deliver informative and interesting lectures, and ultimately benefit students. This survey aims to find out who is and isnÔÇÖt living up to expectations.ÔÇØ

Designed by a Sabbatical officer, it is hoped that the survey will elicit more honest responses from students, as opposed to results from those surveys handed out in lectures at the end of term by the University itself.

Williams pointed out that ÔÇ£it has never been done before by gair rhydd. We all know that certain lecturers arenÔÇÖt performing to a good enough standard or arenÔÇÖt engaging enough. And whilst it may have always been this way, the difference this year is that students are now paying ┬ú9,000 tuition fees and so I think it is even more important to make sure that they get value for money.ÔÇØ

Those with especially good lecturers are also encouraged to take part in the survey as a chance to reward lecturers who are not normally recognised for the quality of their teaching and their lectures.

Williams also said there should be no worry about libel or false information being printed in the paper.

He intends to research the responses given and to go to lectures to prove, either rightly or wrongly, the responses given. Equally, the names of individual lecturers will not be printed without prior consent and discussions with the media board – as Willians is the only person who can see the results, the information is being treated very sensitively.

Results will be used for a gair rhydd article, with all the information later being revealed to the University.


Students are invited to fill the survey in here.

About the author

Kendal Archer

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